HEP Meeting(grian/impulse)

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TW: none that I'm aware of, however if there are please inform me

Season: 7


Grian had just finished testing his theory with the sheep when he felt someone tap his shoulder.

He jumped, startled, What is it with people spooking me today? He thought, recalling earlier that day when Stress had stumbled upon the resistance HQ and startled him.

Impulse put a finger to his lips and placed a sign down, writing. What does Impulse want? Grian thought, leaning over to see what the other hermit was writing.

I think the HEP are having a meeting right now.

Grian gasped, glancing at Impulse, who grinned like a madman and wiggled his eyebrows. Grian let out a quiet gremlin laugh and placed his own sign down.


Instantly the pair took off their helmets, Grian slightly struggling and lagging behind, but he managed to do it. In replace of their helmets the resistance members put on a bdubs head, and turned to look at each other.

"Let's go let's go let's go," Grian said aloud, holding in a laugh as he hurriedly made his way to the HQ exit, Impulse following him closely, "We gotta get there before they end!" The taller hermit added, although you couldn't see it—he was still grinning like a madman.

They made their way out of their HQ and flew across the shopping district to HEP's majestic llama base, chattering some between the two when Grian looked inside.

"Oh dude they're totally there," He called to Impulse, ducking down so they didn't see. Grian glided a bit before an idea popped up, "Fly up!"

They both flew way above the llama lookalike of a base, and slowly glided down. Grian landed on one of the "llama" ears while Impulse landed on the head just above the meeting room. They made sure not to take fall damage so they weren't heard.

Should I go down with Impulse or stay here? Grian thought, and pondered until Impulse waved him down, and he made up his mind. He extended his feathery bird-like elytra and glided down next to Impulse, landing swiftly. "What can we really gain from this?" He whispered.

Impulse covered his mouth, laughing but didn't want HEP to hear him. "Oh!" Grian gasped in realization, slowly making his way to the edge and peeking over, "We got the members!" He whisper-shouted, to which Impulse responded by moving next to Grian and taking a peek himself.

"Here," Impulse said, pulling Grian by the back of his sweater so they were away from the edge, "In case we need to make a quick escape, take this," He then handed the gremlin an ender pearl. Grian let out a quiet ohhh and nodded a thanks, moving back over to the edge to lean his head over and peek on the meeting.

He couldn't really make out what they were saying, but he did get a good look of who all was there.

Well, until his grip on the edge faltered.

Grian let out a surprised yelp when he felt himself fall and landed with a thud, right outside of the meeting room.

Impulse gasped and covered his mouth, moving back in case they looked up.

For a moment everyone just froze and stared at the sweater-wearing hermit, until Cub got up and made his way over to him. Grian panicked, scrambling to his feet and quickly turning to make a quick escape—but before he could jump off the edge he felt himself he tackled to the ground.

"Ack-!" Grian struggled under Cub, wiggling and flopping like a fish out of water. "How long have you been here? And how much did you hear?" Cub questioned, and let out an annoyed sigh when Grian didn't answer.


What do I do- Impulse thought, backing up more when Cub tackled the resistance leader, Grian got caught. Why isn't he using the ender pearl?

He heard fireworks being set off and quickly turned around, seeing a confused, angry False land on the roof behind him. "Nope-!" He quickly said and leapt down, rolling to soften the impact and not take any damage, he landed next to Grian and Cub, to which earned a confused, and slightly annoyed expression from the bearded hermit. "You're here too?!" He exclaimed.

False had jumped down as well and pulled out her sword, causing panic to well up inside Impulse. He clutched his ender pearl tightly then turned, throwing it as far as he could. "Grian, the ender pearl!" He shouted before he was abruptly teleported away.

Impulse was quickly submerged in water, his pearl landing in the ocean. He kicked his feet, swimming up to the surface and gasping once he emerged. "That...could have gone better."


"Grian, the ender pearl!" Impulse shouted before exploding into purple particles, meaning he'd teleported away. The ender pearl! I forgot! Grian mentally scolded himself and wiggled an arm free from Cub's grasp, weakly throwing the pearl but managing to do it before Cub slammed his arm against the ground.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mother Spore," Scar's voice spoke up as he crouched besides the squirming leader. "Spying, really? That's low."

Grian smirked, "Well now we know who's all in HEP, or—hip. And you don't even know our members."

Right as he finished speaking, he exploded into purple particles, causing Cub to let out an oof and fall onto the floor, pushing himself up. Scar let out a frustrated groan, turning around.

Grian was also submerged in water and pushed himself to the surface, looking around. He could see the HEP llama in the distance and let out a sigh of relief.

"That..certainly did not go as planned."

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