Baby its Cold Outside(grian)

694 25 6

TW: blizzard, frostbite, implied hypothermia, blood

Season 6


Cold, crisp air. Followed by a gentle breeze, with the distant sounds of nature.

The view was gorgeous, ignoring the unnatural shape of the mountain due to many hermits digging away at it, you could see forests for miles upon miles at the top of the mountain.

Grian broke his gaze away from the sight and picked his shovel back up, letting out a long, deep breath. He watched as his breath came out in a fog, his lips quirking into a small smile. A cold breeze reminded the short hermit why he was there, and he continued to shovel at the gravel, collecting as much as he could.

He was restocking his small, somewhat unsuccessful shop. Hermits only went there for gravel and sand, occasionally quarts, although Grian didn't mind much. It gave him diamonds, that's all he really cared about.

The wind began to pick up over the span of a few minutes, and snow began to fall. Grian looked up in surprise, the once clear sky now full of dark clouds, which began to throw out more snow by the second. "It was supposed to be a clear, sunny day," He thought aloud, fog coming from his mouth as he spoke.

The short hermit shrugged, figuring it'd just flurry for a few minutes and then pass, and continued shoveling.

However, he couldn't have been more wrong.

A small ding could be heard from his communicator, and he set his shovel down, fishing into his pocket to pull out the device. "A server-wide announcement?" He yet again thought aloud, clicking on the announcement.

Xisuma: we're expecting a pretty bad blizzard, so stay indoors and stay warm

A blizzard? The sweater-wearing hermit looked up, the clouds puffing out more snow and the wind began to noticeably pick up speed. "How fortunate for there to be a blizzard while I'm grinding gravel on a mountain!" Grian muttered, picking up his shovel.

Feathery elytra extended, and fireworks in hand ready to use, Grian took off flying. However it didn't take long for him to lose balance due to the wind, and he could hardly see—snow smacking his face on top of the sun being mostly covered by dark clouds. There was no possible way any hermit could fly like this, so he dove down.

Unfortunately he didn't pull up and crash-landed into the snow. Since the snow was now piled up thickly, he didn't feel much pain, although his neck was slightly sore.

Grian looked around frantically, looking for a cave to wait out the storm. He spotted one not long after searching, and struggled through the snow and into the dark cave.

His clothes were wet, he was cold, and the cave was dark. He could hear mobs lurking about, and pushed himself against the wall, hiding from the storm and mobs. Shit, He thought, letting out a long, shaky sigh.

He reached for his communicator, but being as cold as he was, his hands were far too shaky to be able to hold the device properly. Grian moved his left hand to hold the communicator, trying his best to hold it steady enough for him to type.

Grian: slihgt problem

Grian: im stuck in a cave on a mountain

Xisuma: what! why are you on a mountain in a blizzard?!

Grian: gravel

MumboJumbo: ill volunteer to go get him

Xisuma: no stay inside, i'll get him

Grian: thanks

A clunk echoed throughout the cave as Grian's hands gave out and dropped the device on the cold stone floors. The distant sound of mobs became hushed for a moment, then the sound of uneven and skeletal footsteps started getting louder at an alarming rate.

It didn't take long before an arrow shot out of the darkness, barely missing Grian and grazing his face. Leaving a long cut on the small hermit's cheek. Shit! He cursed at his shaky hands for dropping his communicator and alerting the mobs around.

Another arrow came whirling at the red sweater-wearing hermit, this time making contact and striking his thigh, just above his knee. Grian let out a yell of pain, quickly fumbling with his inventory before pulling out some oak wood planks he had. Thinking quickly, he did his best to incase himself with oak planks with his shaky hands making it more difficult than it had to be. "I should be safe," He let out a shaky chuckle, his jaw trembling as he did so.

It was cold.


The freezing temperature was almost unbearable for Xisuma to stand, but he had to do it for Grian. He wished he asked for Grian's coordinates so he could simply teleport him, but of course the admin forgot.

Rocket spam was hardly audible against the harsh wind, the only way Xisuma could see where he was going was because his helmet visor protected his eyes.

Xisuma landed on the mountain most hermits use for collecting gravel, and looked around, turning his heat sensors on and peered about. It only took a minute or so for the admin to find a splotch of warm colors huddled in a cave, though by the looks of it Grian was at risk of hypothermia. Xisuma struggled through the snow as quickly as his body would allow him to, poking his head into the cave.

A skeleton was standing parallel to wall of oak planks, and Xisuma unsheathed his sword. In a matter of seconds the skeleton was dead, and the admin's sword swiftly morphed into his axe, breaking down the oak barrier.

A shivering Grian could be seen once the oak wall was gone. He was curled up, hugging himself tightly as his fingertips and face were visibly frostbit. His left leg was extended in front of him, an arrow sticking out of his thigh as a small pool of blood rested on the ground next to the injury. Xisuma let out a chattering sigh and pulled a blanket from his inventory, wrapping it around the freezing hermit and picking him up bridal style.

Grian let out a small whimper of protest, but Xisuma gently hushed him and covered his face with the blanket, but not enough to suffocate him. The admin typed out a command, and instantly was teleported into Xisuma's base.

He quickly set Grian on a bed, smothering him in blankets and lighting a campfire next to him. "Hot..." Grian complained, shifting uncomfortably. "I know Grian, shhh," Xisuma tried his best to soothe the whining hermit and keep him from pushing the blankets off.

Xisuma let out a sigh of relief, Grian would be fine, and they'd wait the blizzard out in his base.

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