Off Camera Fall pt. 2(grian)

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TW: broken bones, mentions of blood, needle, a shot

Season 7

This is part 2, sorry it took so long :)


"So, what happened?"

Grian turned his head to look up at Mumbo, "What do you mean? I said my elytra broke, right?" He furrowed his brows slightly, a confused look resting on his face. Mumbo sighed and shook his head, "It's not like you to just let yourself fall, you have a spare one in your inventory right?"

"I left it at my mansion."

"Of course," The mustached hermit rubbed his temples, sitting down on the edge of the bed, "Make sure you carry an extra one next time."

"Yes mom," Grian teased, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a smirk. "Who's mom?" Keralis put in, entering the room with some first aid in his arms. Mumbo looked up, shrugging, "Apparently me."

Keralis chuckled lightly and set the supplies on a small table next to the bed, rummaging around before grabbing some disinfectant for Grian's head wounds and other scratches. The bleeding had stopped thanks to the healing potion taken previously, but if they didn't clean it, it would get infected.

The big-eyed hermit poured some disinfectant onto a cloth and gently patted the gash, earning a wince from the injured gremlin. "That stings," Grian whined, to which Mumbo rubbed his shoulder soothingly, "It'll help." Keralis nodded in agreement and continued to pat the wound, and once finished he lifted Grian's head up gently to wrap the wound with some bandages. The red sweater wearing hermit winced and gritted his teeth, and Keralis moved on to Grian's arm, which was obviously broken, but it had become numb to Grian, he felt no pain from it.

Keralis furrowed his brows in concern at the mangled arm, unsure of what to do. He'd treated many wounds before, but a broken arm was not one of them. Grian noticed Keralis' hesitance and gave him a questioning glance, "What's wrong?" He spoke up after a moment of silence.

"Ah, nothing nothing, don't worry about it. Although Mumbo I need to have a word with you in the other room," Before Mumbo even got a chance to respond, Keralis grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room, closing the door and leaving behind a very confused Grian.

"I don't know how to treat a broken bone," Keralis said in a hurried, hushed tone, causing the mustached man to widen his eyes in horror, "Oh god—what do we do?" Keralis shrugged and started pacing around the room, "Sheshwamy isn't online, who all online knows how to treat a broken bone?"

Mumbo thought for a moment before sighing and shaking his head, "I don't know, should we call Scar over and he can use some uh—magic to fix it?" He suggested. Keralis gave him a questioning look, "You trust Scar to do that?"



Keralis let out a sigh and sat on a desk. A loud ding suddenly echoed throughout the room, and both hermits checked the communicator.

Xisuma joined the game

Mumbo and Keralis let out a loud gasp in unison, "The Minecraft gods heard us!" Keralis exclaimed, going to the groupchat and aggressively typing.

Keralis1: SHESHWAMY!!!!

Xisuma: hey keralis :)

Keralis1: WE NEED HELPPP!!!!!!!!

Xisuma: what happened?

MumboJumbo: grian's elytra broke and he's pretty badly injured, a broken arm. neither of us know how to treat that

Xisuma: yikes

Xisuma: where are you rn?

Keralis1: in one of my skyscrapers!

Xisuma: alright I'll be there as fast as I can


Grian looked around the room, he could hear Keralis yell something but it was too muffled for him to figure out what he said. So instead he just laid there, moving his head side-to-side in boredom. The feel in his arm was starting to come back, as well as the pain. Why did Keralis just drag Mumbo away? Am I gunna die? He thought, panicked, before shaking his head. Idiot, you won't die.

Grian didn't fully believe that.

Firework spam could be heard outside, and Xisuma came crashing in through the window, causing Grian to let out a scream of surprise, almost falling off the bed.

"Sorry for the dramatic entrance, you alright? Where's Keralis?" Xisuma questioned, looking around as if crashing through a window was a normal occurrence. Although he got no response, instead just a shocked Grian staring at him.

Mumbo and Keralis burst into the room, "What was—oh, X!" Mumbo exclaimed, then turned to the window, "Did you—"

"Yes, I figured it was faster than going up the stairs."

"Sheshwamy you could have gotten hurt!" Keralis scolded, walking over to Grian to help him get situated on the bed better. Xisuma tapped his helmed, "I'm fine thanks to this trusty ol' thing."

"I'll clean up the glass," Mumbo offered, running to go grab a broom. Xisuma gave him a thumbs up and walked to the bed, opening the visor of his helmet so he could properly see what he's working with.

"Ouch, how long ago was this?" He asked, turning to the medical supplies and setting down some of his own he brought. "About...ten minutes ago? Maybe fifteen?" Keralis guessed, watching curiously.

Pain began to quickly settle in as the numbness in his arm disappeared, and Grian let out a huff of pain, squirming uncomfortably. Xisuma turned, "Try not to move so much, I'll numb your arm," He said soothingly.

Xisuma tapped the syringe needle and turned, pulling up Grian's sleeve carefully and pressing it into his arm.

Then Grian's world went dark.


Grian awoke to a ceiling, and looked around, wondering how much time had passed. "Ah! You're awake!" Mumbo exclaimed, causing Grian to flinch and look over to the mustached hermit, who was sitting on a chair next to his bed. "I'll get Xisuma."

Mumbo disappeared into another room, and Grian sat up groggily, his head aching. He looked down at his arm, which now rested in a sling. What day is it, He thought, rubbing his eyes with his good arm. "Brian!" Keralis sang happily, sitting down criss cross at the edge of his bed. "Hey Grian, how ya feeling?" Xisuma asked, leaning down to check said Hermit's temperature. No fever, that was a good sign.

"Like I just woke up in another dimension," Grian admitted, "How long was I out?"

"Only a day," Xisuma answered, "Anything hurt?"

"Only my head."

"I'll give you some painkillers." With that, Xisuma left the room again.

Grian blinked, shuffling before asking, "How long until I can get back to work on my mansion?"

"Grian!" Mumbo groaned, "Your arm is broken, how can you think of working on your mansion like that?" Grian shrugged, and Keralis patted his shoulder—his good one—and gave him a reassuring smile, "Look into my eyes nothing but my eyes, it'll be a few months until it fully heals, Xisuma said. So you should take it easy until then."

"But my viewers-!"

"Your viewers love you, Grian," Keralis spoke, surprising said hermit—he usually never called Grian his actual name, always "Brian". "They will understand if you take a break because of an injury."

Grian sighed, "I suppose you're right. I was thinking of taking a break anyway."

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