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Having talked about my family relationships, I will now talk about my friends.

All of the groups of friends I had were an odd number. I have always been the third or fifth wheel.

In fact, every now and then I wonder if it's not just me pushing myself aside. I don't mind being alone. I appreciate the silence.

However, there are days when I don't want to find myself alone with myself. And that the silence becomes too heavy. Too loud.

It is during these times that I would need friends. But I don't always feel like partying and drinking. When I'm having a bad day their response comes down to ''I know how to take your mind off things!''. But they don't. Their intentions are good. But I don't think they know me that much.

Am I selfish? I don't know. Maybe I am.

Sometimes I would like to be asked, ''what is wrong?'' without having to worry about if I will be cut in the middle of my sentence. You know. Knowing that what I have to say really interests the person. Not telling me to party to change my mind. Just to take a walk. Drink a tea.

Obviously, it's me they come to see when they need to talk. But who's there for me?


You are. Listening to my thoughts and my problems. Day after day and page after page. You are so gentle.

I don't have much to say about it. I just wanted to touch on the subject briefly. To make you know me more.

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