Good to have you back Alan

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<Next Afternoon>
[Relatives room]
(Third person P. O. V]
It was Alan's surgery, the older Tracy brother was waiting anxiously in the relatives room whilst Alan was in the operating room.
John was reading a newspapers whilst Gordon was twiddling his thumbs. As Scott and Virgil, they went to get hot drinks for all of them. John noticed Gordon thinking about something so he asked.
"What are you thinking about Gordon?"
"John can I ask you something?" Gordon then asked.
"Sure." John replied.
"How tiny was Alan when he was a newborn?" Gordon curiously asked.
"Really tiny. I remember the day we first met him, you won't remember this because you was still little yourself. I remember being waiting outside the room with Grandma, Scott, Virgil and you, Dad came out and took you into his arms and asked us if we were ready to meet Alan and of course, we all said yes. We went in, went up to mum to give her a hug and we all saw Alan sleeping in her arms. Dad introduced us to him, Grandma was the first one to hold him and was saying how tiny and cute he was, Scott kept asking why he was tiny but Dad told him it was because all babies were tiny. The three of us had a go of holding him, Scott went first, Virgil went second and I went third. When I held him, he opened his eyes at me and squeezed my finger. That made mum smile and Dad as well, Grandma joked saying Alan found his favourite already."
Gordon smiled when John was finished explaining about the day everyone met Alan.
"Why is it he's always had a close bond with you?" Gordon then asked.
"Because I was the one who always looked after him. When Mum died, Dad had a lot on his plate. Scott was training to be a pilot and Grandma was trying to look after all of us especially you and Alan. Virgil and I agreed that I would look after Alan and he would look after you. So that was how it went back then till Dad finally got over Mum's death. It wasn't easy but we did what we had to do and I never minded. Alan was comfortable with me but I think Scott was never happy with that especially when Alan said my name as his first word."
"Oh my gosh, seriously?" Gordon surprisingly asked whilst sitting up.
"Yeah I'm serious. You can even ask them when they come back." John honestly replied.
As soon as Scott and Virgil came back, Gordon immediately asked Scott about Alan's first word. Scott rolled his eyes whilst Virgil started laughing.
"I remember that day, I never seen you be so much jealous." Virgil laughed at Scott.
"I wasn't jealous." Scott replied in defence.
"Don't try denying Scott. You were jealous, even Dad agreed with us on that day." John pointed out.
Scott just shakes his head. Once both he and Virgil sat down, the four of them waited anxiously for news on Alan's surgery. To pass the time, they started to think about all their favourite rescues and moments with Alan.
"I hope he pulls through." Scott whispered.
Just then, a surgeon came in and kindly asked.
"Are you Alan's brothers?"
"We are." They all replied.
"Is he ok?", asked Scott.
"The surgery went well. The new heart is beating. He's now been put into intensive care and still induced." The surgeon kindly explained.
"Can we see him?" John hopefully asked.
"You can but all four of you will have to be tested and wear plastic aprons since Alan is vulnerable to viruses at the moment." The surgeon then explained.
The boys understood what the surgeon said and agreed to wear plastic aprons.
<few minutes later>
[Inside Alan's room]
When the boys was in the room, they were all shocked to see Alan. Alan was pale, had a tubes in his mouth which were hooked on the ventilator but the one thing they didn't like was the dressings on Alan's chest where he had the surgery.
"It's going a long few days." John sadly said.
The other Tracys brothers agreed.
<few days later>
(Third person P. O. V)
It had been 7 days since Alan had his surgery and since then he was still in a medically induced coma.
Everyone had not stopped visiting him especially the boys. They took in turns with staying with Alan and going home but they couldn't stop worrying about Alan or his heart.
<current day>
It was early afternoon in the hospital. Virgil and Gordon were sitting with Alan whilst Scott and John were getting refreshments for all the them.
[In Alan's room]
(Third person P. O. V)
Both Virgil and Gordon were watching Alan. They were both tired and exhausted from the last 7 days. As they watch Alan breathe, Gordon noticed Virgil thinking about something so he asked.
"What are you thinking about Virgil?"
"Just wondering how Dad felt when he watched over Alan when he was baby and fighting for his life just after he was born." Virgil quietly replied.
"Oh." Gordon whispered.
As the two of them carried on watching Alan, Gordon leaned on the side of the bed and let out a yawn.
"Maybe you should have a nap? You look pretty tired Gordon." Virgil suggested.
"Don't want to, I don't want to miss seeing Alan wake up and besides I'm not the only one whose tired. You're looking tired yourself." Gordon gently pointed out.
"I think we all are." Virgil admitted.
Just then Gordon noticed Alan's eyes twitch a bit. So he quickly said.
"Virgil, Alan waking up."
"He isn't, it's probably your imagination." Virgil then said.
"No it wasn't. I swear to you, I saw Alan's eyes flicker. See he's doing again." Gordon quickly said.
Virgil looked and realised that Gordon was right, Alan's eyes were flickering.
"I'm going to get a doctor. Gordon, talk to him. Try and reassure him." Virgil then said whilst leaving.
Gordon did what he was told and began reassuring Alan by saying.
"It's alright Alan. It's going to be alright."
<few seconds later>
[outside the room]
Virgil and Gordon were waiting outside of Alan's room whilst the Doctors were checking on Alan. Just then the both of them heard two people saying.
"What's going on?"
They both turned around and saw Scott and John approaching them with worried looks on their faces. Virgil reassured them by saying.
"It's alright guys. There's nothing to worry about."
"Alan waking up. The doctors are just taking out his tubes is all." Gordon kindly said.
Scott and John both let out a huge sigh of relief. But before they could say anything, a nurse came out and told the boys they can go back in, which they immediately did.
[Back in the room]
(Third person P. O. V)
When the guys were back in the room, they were greeted by Alan and Doctor Morgan who were smiling at them.
"Alan." The boys gasped as they went to his bedside and individually squeezed his hand.
"How is he Doctor?" Scott then asked.
"Completely well. He's not out of the woods just yet but he's well on the mend." Doctor Morgan kindly answered.
The guys were so happy and relieved to hear the news from the Doctor. Before they could say anything, Alan tried to say something.
"What is it little bro?" Gordon quietly asked.
"Can I hear it?" Alan croaked.
The doctor smiled and gently replied.
"Of course you can sweetie."
Doctor Morgan then took her stethoscope off her neck, placed the plugs in Alan's ears and placed the plate on Alan's chest.
After hearing the heartbeat, Alan smiled. Soon Scott, Virgil, Gordon and John had a go and were all happy.
"Haven't heard that heartbeat in years." Scott tearfully said.
"I promise I will look after this heart. I won't harm it, I swear." Alan honestly said.
"We know you will Alan." The guys all replied.
Scott, Virgil, John and Gordon then individually hugged Alan and then decided to take a family photo which Doctor Morgan was happy to take to it. After getting on each side of the bed, the boys all said their numbers.
"5", said John.
"4", said Gordon.
"3", said Alan.
"2", said Virgil.
"1", said Scott.
"Thunderbirds are go." They all said as the doctor took the photo.
After looking at the the photo, the boys were happy with it. As for Alan, he was happy to be back with his brothers and was happy that their mother's heart is now in his body and keeping him alive.

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