The tests results

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<few minutes later>
[in the hospital]
(Third person P. O. V)
Just after arriving at the hospital Alan was rushed into A and E and the Doctors started to check him over whereas Scott was taking to relatives room to wait for news and for Virgil and Gordon to arrive.
[in the waiting room]
While waiting in the relatives room, Scott sat down on one of the chairs and couldn't stop worrying over Alan. Just then Virgil and Gordon came rushing in whist both saying.
"How's Alan?"
After the of them finished what they were saying. They then sat down on the visitors sofa to catch their breathes. Scott then asked.
"I don't know how Alan is. I haven't heard anything since he was rushed into A and E. Did you two let the others know what's happened?"
"Yeah we did. John told us to keep him informed for any news and Lady Penelope hopes that he's ok." Virgil breathlessly replied.
As Gordon, he didn't say anything. He was so worried about what happened the way Alan was before the rescue that he said.
"Guys there something I need to tell you. This morning Alan wasn't feeling very well. He didn't eat his breakfast and he was a little off."
"He was ill. How ill was he Gordon?" Scott asked.
"He didn't have a temperature because I felt his forehead but he look pale and was a bit breathless." Gordon answered.
"Now you say that Gordon. I've noticed Alan looking pale when we were in thunderbird 2." Virgil then said.
Before Scott could say anything, a female Doctor came in and kindly said.
"Hello gentlemen, I'm Doctor Harrison. I'm the Doctor whose treating your brother."
"Is he ok?" Virgil asked.
"He's fine are the moment but is not out of the woods yet. We've took some tests and we're just waiting for results to come back." Doctor Harrison kindly replied.
"What sort of tests have you taken?" Scott worriedly asked.
"Test to find out what caused your brothers chest pains and why his pulse is rapid." The Doctor answered.
"Can we go and see him please?" Gordon sadly asked.
"Of course you can, he's still unconscious at the minute but you three can still sit with him. I'll take to where he is."
After she's finished what she was saying. Doctor Harrison then lead Scott, Gordon and Virgil to Alan's room.
[outside Alan's room]
When they were outside the room, Gordon looked through the window and noticed some bruising on the right side of Alan's head. So he asked.
"Excuse me Doctor, where did that bruising on Alan's head come from?"
"That's from when he collapsed. The paramedics informed us that when he collapsed he landed on the right side of his head. Don't worry about it, it will clear up in a few days." The Doctor replied.
"Oh ok, thanks." Gordon thankfully said
After Gordon was finished. He, Virgil and Scott very quietly went into the room while the doctor went to get the tests results.
[inside the room]
When the guys were inside, they very quietly then sat down on the visitors chairs and watch Alan rest. Gordon held Alan's hand while Scott was rubbing his shoulder.
"Alan, Alan. Can you hear us?" Scott quietly said.
"Scott, let him rest. Let him take his time. He might be a bit groggy from his collapse." Virgil whispered.
"What I can't understand is, how does our 14 year old brother end up having chest pains?" Gordon confusedly said.
Before Scott and Virgil could say anything, the three of them heard Alan coming round.
"Alan." The three of them said.
When Alan fully opened his eyes and saw his brothers and where he was. He confusedly said.
"Hey guys."
"Don't you ever scare us like that again." Gordon said while gently squeezing Alan's hand.
"Ignore him Alan. Good to see you awake little brother." Virgil happily said.
"Thanks." Alan weakly said.
"Alan, how are you feeling?" Scott lovingly said.
"My head hurts and so does my chest. What's the matter with me?" Alan quietly replied.
"We don't know yet but try not to worry. The doctor will be back soon." Scott reassuringly said.
Just then the doctor came in and kindly said.
"Hello there Alan. Good to see you awake."
"Thanks." Alan kindly replied.
"Do you have the results back yet Doctor?" Scott kindly asked.
"Not yet and I think it's time you three went home and let your brother rest." The doctor said.
The guys are about to say something but Alan reassured them and told them to go. So they hugged Alan and told him that they'll be back to tomorrow. After they left, Alan then sadly asked.
"It's my heart. Isn't it Doctor?"
"I'm afraid so. The results show that you're starting to develop heart failure. I'm very sorry sweetheart but your brothers are going to have to know." The Doctor sadly said to Alan.
Alan nodded yes and started to cry. The doctor then held his hand and calmed him. Alan while still crying asked.
"Can you tell my grandma please? And tell her can she tell my brothers for me as well?"
"Of course I will sweetie. Now you get some rest." The Doctor replied.
After the doctor left, Alan started to settle off to sleep whilst still crying over the news over his heart. The only thing he was dreading was how his brothers was going to take news over his heart condition?

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