Mum was a organ donor

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<3 weeks later>
It had been three weeks and Alan was still waiting for the new heart. During that time, the guys had not stop visiting him and staying with him over night but waiting for the new heart has affected them too. They've actually considered on which of them should be the donor but haven't told Alan or the others yet but little did they know, Grandma Tracy already knew about their plan and finally decided to tell them a big secret about their mum that they or Alan didn't know about apart from her, Brains and Jeff.
<current day>
[In Tracy island]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a quiet morning on the island. The boys was in the kitchen having their breakfast, Kayo was out in Thunderbird Shadow helping the G. D. F, Grandma Tracy and Brains was in living room talking to Alan's Doctor through the radio.
[In the living room]
After they were done speaking to the doctor, Grandma Tracy and Brains both gave out a sigh of relief but were worried. Alan's Doctor has told them that they've found a heart that was match and that it was the boy's mother's heart.
"It was about time that they've found a heart for Alan." Brains said in relief.
"I know Brains but I'm worried now. How are the boys going to take the fact that the heart is their mother's heart." Grandma Tracy worriedly said.
"Well just have to wait and see Sally. We all knew that was what she wanted after Alan was born." Brain's comfortingly replied while placing his hand on her shoulder.
Grandma Tracy then smiled a bit but sighed deeply. Her and Brains then headed to the kitchen to go and tell the others about the news.
<few minutes later>
[In the kitchen]
(Third person P. O. V)
After breaking the news to the boys, all four of them were quiet. They were shocked to hear that their mother was an organ donor and Alan was going to have her heart.
"Boys, I know the four of you are surprised and shocked about what I've just told you but you must understand. It was your mother's choice to be an organ donor. Your father and I respected her wishes before she died." Grandma Tracy then said.
After a moment of silence, Scott then cleared his throat and slowly but gently asked.
"Does Alan know?"
"He does, Doctor Morgan was going to tell him after she ended the call." Brains kindly answered.
"Is the heart healthy enough for Alan to have it in his body?", asked Virgil.
"It is Virgil, the surgeons checked it and it's healthy. The doctor is going to let all of us have some time to see Alan before he goes for the surgery." Grandma Tracy kindly answered.
"Grandma, why did Mum want Alan to have her heart?" John quietly asked.
"After seen how poorly Alan was after he was born and hearing about how he going to need a transplant, she made the decision for Alan to have her heart when the time came. She was doing what any other mother would do for her poorly child John." Grandma Tracy replied while putting her arm over John's shoulders.
Just then, Scott then quietly asked.
"Grandma, how is it that mum's heart is healthy enough for Alan to have it after all this time?"
"There is a reason why Scott and I'm going to tell you four now about it," Grandma Tracy slowly began saying, "Back when your mother decided that Alan was going to have her heart, she got in contact with an old school friend of hers that works in a facility over in Russia that keeps donated organs, such as hearts and livers, healthy for people who need them. After the accident, your mother other organs were donated but her heart was immediately transferred to that facility so that it could be preserved for Alan when the time came for his surgery which is now."
After grandma Tracy was finished explaining, the boys were speechless. They were stunned on finding out how adamant their mother was on wanting Alan to have her heart and where it been stored for all these years after she had died. It was then Grandma Tracy comfortingly and lovingly said.
"Boys, I know this is a big shock for all of you and especially for Alan but your mother was adamant on Alan having her heart so that he could live and more than importantly, so that she could always be with all of you
"We should head over and see him, he's going in such state than he was before." Gordon then said.
The others agreed and headed to get themselves ready for the hospital. After they've gone, both Brains and Grandma Tracy sighed.
"That was harder than I thought it was going to be." Grandma Tracy admitted.
"They're probably going to talk about it amongst themselves on their journey to the hospital." Brains then said.
"I know they will but I'm worried for Alan. He's going to be in such a state about this." Grandma Tracy sadly said.
Brains placed his arm over Grandma Tracy and comfortingly said.
"He'll be ok Sally, he has us, the boys, Kayo, Lady Penelope and Parker by his side for and after his surgery."
"I know he does.", Grandma Tracy replied, "I know."

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