Please let us support you Alan

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<few minutes later>
[in the hospital]
(Third person P. O. V)
When the guys arrived at the hospital, they went to the children's ward and had to wait in the waiting room.
[in the waiting room]
While waiting in the waiting room, the guys remained quiet. After a few minutes, a female doctor came in and kindly said.
"Hello gentlemen, I'm Doctor Morgan. I'm the Doctor whose in charge of your brothers case."
"Hello." They all replied.
"If you four would like to follow me to my office, I'll explain more to you about Alan's case?" Doctor Morgan kindly asked.
The boys then followed her to her office.
[in the office]
When they were all settled in the office, the Doctor then asked.
"Before I begin, do any of you have any questions relating to your brother condition?"
"How bad is Alan?" Scott quietly asked.
"At the moment, he's fine but is still very poorly. I'm afraid he's got a virus which was the cause of his collapse yesterday." The Doctor replied.
"A virus, is it bad?" John worryingly asked.
"Not very bad, Alan has responded well to the antibiotics we've given him but the problem we have is until we can find a transplant for Alan he's going to need to stay in hospital."
"Stay in hospital, why?", asked Scott.
"With the line of work you gentlemen do, Alan is at a very high risk of getting another virus which could set him back again. I'm very sorry but keeping Alan in hospital is the best possible way for him to be safe from any viruses while waiting for the donor heart." Doctor Morgan sadly explained.
The guys were quiet after hearing what the doctor said about Alan staying in hospital. Just then a nurse came in and took them to Alan's room.
[outside Alan's room]
Once they were outside Alan's hospital room the nurse left to see another patient. The boys looked through the window and saw Alan sleeping but remained quiet amongst each other.
"Why didn't he tell us himself that he had a heart condition?" Scott asked.
"You heard what Grandma said Scott. He was afraid to tell us." John sadly replied.
"Can't believe he's been suffering alone during these past few years." Gordon whispered.
The four of them then quietly went in the room.
[in the room]
When the guys came into the room, they remained quiet whilst Alan was sleeping. Just then, Alan started to wake up and when he fully woke up and saw the sad look of his brother's faces, he felt bad and quietly asked.
"You all know, don't you?"
"We do bro." John quietly replied.
"Alan, we want to know your side of what happened when you was 8. If you want to, that is?" Scott kindly asked.
"It's fine, I'll tell but you guys got know. It was harder for me when Dad told me about my heart condition." Alan sadly replied.
"Just take your time Alan." Virgil kindly said.
"What happened that day when you had your first chest pain?" Gordon sweetly asked.
"I was running with the other students in my class and started have pain in my chest and also started to breathless. I stopped to try and get my breath back but sadly my teacher ordered me to carry on running. While I was running, the pain my chest started to get worse and that was when I collapsed and the teacher saw me. Once I was taken to the nurses office, the nurse checked me over and then called the ambulance but I blacked out by the time they came." Alan began saying.
"What happened after you came round Alan?" John asked.
"When I started to regain consciousness, I found myself in a hospital bed, had wires attached to me and a oxygen mask on my face. After I fully came round, I saw Dad sat next my bedside sleeping. I weakly called him, he woke up and quickly came by my side and started asking me how I was feeling. After he was done asking me, the only thing I could say to him what was wrong with me and that was then he told me about what happened to me when I was born and about my heart condition. After he told me, he promised me when I was older we'll tell you guys together but after his accident, I became scared to tell you so I kept it to myself. The Doctor thought I had to wait till I was 16 to have a new heart but they said because of the work we do, it's been a strain on my heart. This why I didn't tell you 4 because I knew you wouldn't of take it good as I did when I was 8."
When Alan was finished, he burst into tears. John pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head. Virgil and Gordon remained quiet but as for Scott, he held Alan's hand and while trying not to cry, strongly and supportively said.
"Alan, we're going to be here for you till you get a new heart but please let us support you till you get a new heart?"
Alan pulled away from from John and looked at all four of his brothers. After thinking to himself, he nodded his head yes but didn't say anything. As for the guys the all hugged Alan but all remained quiet. The only thing they could think about was the new heart for Alan.

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