There's the Alan I know and love

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<next morning>
[Third person P. O. V]
While Alan was still sleeping, John was already up, told the others about what Alan told him last night and wanted to know what time the others were arriving. After speaking to the others, John had a talk with Alan's Doctor and found out that Alan hadn't been eating properly so he came up with an idea. After thanking the Doctor, John headed to the cafe.
[in Alan's room]
Just as John came back in, Alan started to wake up.
"Hey there sleepyhead, how you feeling?" John kindly said.
"Better than I have been during these past few weeks." Alan said while rubbing his eyes.
"Looks like somebody's starting to sound like his old self." John happily said while sitting on the side of the bed.
After stretching and rubbing his eyes, Alan noticed two takeaway cups and a brown bag then started to realise that John knows about him not eating so he ashamedly asked.
"The nurses told you, didn't they?"
"Yes they did, why haven't you been eating Alan?" John worriedly asked.
"I had a bad reaction to a medication they gave me. After that I haven't been able to keep food down so that's why I haven't been eating." Alan admittedly replied.
"Well hopefully, you'll be able to manage the treat I've just brought you from the cafe along with a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. The way you like it." John lovingly said.
"Thanks John but you didn't have to do that." Alan sweetly replied.
"But I did because you're the one who's poorly and deserves to be spoilt. Now after you've finished breakfast, I've asked one of the nurses to take you to have a shower so you can freshen yourself up and then you get into your clothes." John kindly replied.
Alan did nothing but agreed with his eldest brother. John then gave Alan the hot chocolate and the brown bag. Alan opened the bag and seen a chocolate cookie in it.
"Thought you need a sugar boast and it's not one of grandma's burnt ones." John happily said.
"Thanks John." Alan kindly replied with a smile.
After Alan had finished his drink and cookie, a nurse came in with a wheelchair and gently helped Alan on to it. Once Alan was in the chair, the nurse then wheeled him out and took him to be washed.
<few minutes later>
After getting washed and dressed into his regular clothes, Alan was taken back to his room. After helping Alan back onto the bed the nurse left and John came back in and happily said.
"Somebody looking liking his old self already."
"Very funny." Alan replied while chuckling to himself.
"How do you feel now? After having a wash and being back in your normal clothes." John kindly asked while sitting on the side of the bed.
"A lot more better and if I have to admit something. After our talk yesterday I feel more like my old self now than I have been during my stay here." Alan truthfully said with a smile.
"There's the Alan that I know and love." John happily said.
"You know, we don't have to stay in this room for when the others come. There's special family visiting rooms we can go in." Alan suggestively said.
"Is there? I didn't know that. You sure you're able to go in there though Alan?" John worriedly asked.
"Yeah I am. I don't have the virus anymore so I'm able to leave the room and besides I'm kinda board being here." Alan honestly said.
"Ok then, I take it you don't want a wheelchair then?" John humourlessly asked.
"No thank you, I might have a heart condition but I can still walk and besides I've got the stand to hold onto while I'm walking." Alan kindly replied.
"Ok then but at least let me help you put your shoes on. I imagine those wires in your chest aren't comfortable when bending down." John hopefully asked.
Alan was about to say something but gave in and let his brother help to put his shoes on. Once Alan had his shoes on he then got onto his feet and held on the stand. When both Alan and John were outside the room they both made their way to the family room.

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