He wanted to protect you

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<next morning>
[Tracy Island]
It was a very quiet morning on the island. Grandma Tracy was in the kitchen making the tea, Kayo was out in thunderbird shadow visiting lady Penelope and Parker, Brains and M. A. X were in the lab. As for the boys, they were still in bed and was still shocked about what happened to Alan when he was born and the Hood was the cause of it.
[in the kitchen]
While preparing the tea, Grandma Tracy heard John and Virgil coming in so she kindly said.
"Morning boys, sleep well?"
"Morning Grandma." They gloomy said whist sitting down.
After they sat down, grandma Tracy went over to them and give the both of them two cups of tea. After giving her two grandsons the teas She then put both her hands on their shoulders and sadly said.
"Boys, I know it's a lot to take it about Alan. Believe me, I found it hard but I had to be strong for both your mother and father during the time Alan was in hospital after he was born."
"Grandma, does Alan know?" John quietly asked.
"He does John." Grandma Tracy truthfully replied.
"How long has he known?" Virgil sadly asked.
"Since he was 8 years old. Something happened to him while he was still in school." She replied.
"What happened?" They both asked.
"It happened during his sports lesson. Everyone in the class was running on a track, the teacher was getting them ready for their sports day. While the kids were running, Alan started to feel breathless so he slowed down a bit to try and get his breathe back. The teacher told Alan to carry on and not to stop so he did carried on running but that's when it happened. While Alan was running, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and started crying. The teacher saw him and quickly got him to the school's nurse. When the school nurse checked him out, she realised that something was wrong with his heart so she phoned an ambulance while the school's headmaster called your Dad."
"What happened when Alan was in the hospital Grandma?" John worriedly asked.
"That was when the Doctors  found out there was something wrong with Alan's heart and they told your father that when he got there. After realising that Alan was going to be needing a transplant for when he was older, your father told Alan about his heart. That upset Alan badly and your Dad promised him that the pair of them will tell you four when the time was right but after your Dad's disappearance, Alan became scared to tell you boys about his heart condition. So he kept it to himself to protect you boys from having another heartache since your Dad's accident."
When Grandma Tracy was finished, both John and Virgil were quiet after what their grandmother told them about Alan keeping his heart condition hidden from them since their Dad's accident. Grandma Tracy then left to check on Scott and Gordon while Virgil and John remained in the kitchen.
"I can't believe it. Alan has been keeping his heart condition a secret from us since he was 8 years old." John shockingly said.
"Yet he's acted like he was fine on all the times he's been rescues. We've should've been there for him more." Virgil ashamedly said.
As the two of them sat there and thought to themselves for minute. The two of them thought about all their times with Alan during rescues.
"He needs us. Now not the time to blame ourselves for not being there for him. Alan needs our support for when he gets a new heart." John sternly said.
Virgil knowing that John was right about what he just said about Alan then said.
"You're right John. Alan does need our support because knowing him, he's going to be sacred about getting a new heart." Virgil strongly said.
Just then the both of Scott and Gordon cane in and heard what John and Virgil said about Alan so Scott said.
"The both of you are right. Alan does need us and our support when he gets a new heart."
"Guys, do you think Alan himself will be able to tell us about why he kept his heart condition to himself all this time?" Gordon sadly asked.
"Maybe he will, maybe he won't. But we can't force him to tell us if he doesn't want to Gordon. We'll just drive him more further away from us." Scott replied.
The four of them then got into their suits, went inside thunderbird 2 and headed to the hospital.

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