We're here for you Alan

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<few hours later>
[Outside Alan's room]
(Third person P. O. V)
When the guys were outside Alan's room, they noticed through the window that Alan was flat out sleeping.
"He's been crying.", said John.
"How could you tell John?" Scott asked.
"Because crying tires him out and he takes a nap. From what I can tell, he hasn't taken the news very well either." John sadly replied.
"Maybe we should go and find his Doctor. Gordon, you stay with him. He's going to need to see a familiar face when he wakes up." Virgil then said.
Gordon agreed and quietly went inside Alan's room while the guys went to find Doctor Morgan.
[Inside Alan's room]
Once he was inside, Gordon quietly sat down on one of the chairs and watched Alan sleep. Just then Alan started waking up and once he started to fully wake up, he saw Gordon who was smiling at him and kindly saying.
"Hey there sleepyhead."
"Hey, how long have you been there?" Alan replied through a yawn.
"Not long, how are you feeling?" Gordon sweetly asked.
"Better now I've had a nap, I've had news about my new heart which I guess you already know. Right?" Alan knowingly asked.
"Yeah I do and so does the others, grandma told us." Gordon sadly replied.
Alan then sighed and laid back on the pillows again. He then miserably asked.
"Where the others?"
"Gone to talk to your doctor. They could tell you've been crying and didn't take the news very well." Gordon answered.
After he was finished, Gordon noticed how quiet and sad Alan was as his eyes started to well up with tears.
"Awww Alan, don't cry. You know how much I don't like seeing you cry." Gordon said whilst pulling Alan in a hug.
"I can't help it Gordon, I'm scared and finding it hard to take it in." Alan cried whilst hugging Gordon.
Gordon began rubbing Alan's back whilst he was crying. After Alan calm down, he laid back on the pillows whilst Gordon sat up more on the bed.
"How did you and the others take it when Grandma told you?" Alan sadly asked.
"We were shocked but understood why mum did it. Any mother would've done the same for her child." Gordon honestly replied.
Alan nodded and it was then Gordon noticed how quiet he was and noticed the scared look in his eyes. It was then he asked.
"Alan, you're scared. Aren't you?"
"Of course, I'm scared. I've been scared about this ever since I was 8. I'm scared I'm not going to wake up." Alan cried as he had fresh tears sliding down his face.
"Oh Alan, come here." Gordon then said as he pulled Alan in another hug.
As soon as they hugged, Alan carried on crying into Gordon's neck. Gordon began rocking Alan backwards and forwards, whilst trying to calm him down.
"You're not going to die Alan. I won't let you." Gordon gently said.
"What makes you think that?" Alan sobbed.
"Because you're the strongest one out of all five of us and we won't be same without you. I mean who am I going to hide with when Grandma makes us try some of her cooking or when waking Scott and Virgil every time it's their turn for a rescue?" Gordon gently asked.
Alan started to chuckle which made Gordon smile and then supportively said.
"See bro, you're not going to die. Sure you're going to be in a induced coma after the surgery but I promise you now, we're going to be there when you come round." Gordon then lovingly said.
"You promise?" Alan pleadingly asked.
"I promise." Gordon replied whilst kissing the side of Alan's head.
The two youngest ones then carried on hugging. It was then the both of them started to feel tired. So Gordon got onto the side of the bed, put his arm around Alan whilst he put his head on Gordon shoulder and the both of them silently but peacefully went to sleep.
[outside the room]
Scott, Virgil and John had heard everything and were all upset and scared for Alan and his surgery. They all agreed that they were going to be there for Alan and it was going to be a long emotional road for Alan and them.

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