chapter six

45 2 5

august second

  "jas! get off you're crushing me," i groan.

   "you're so soft though," he whispers.

   "babe, i swear, youre going to crush me."

   jasper gets off top of me and brings me into his arms.

   "is this better?"

   "yes," i say as he tries kissing me. "we both have morning breath," i cringe.

   "whatever. what are we doing today?"

   "well, i gotta drop symere, greg, and their friend off at the park today then we can do something after that," i reply.

   "why cant caï do it?" he complains.

   "because i told my dad id do it."

  "fine," he says getting out of bed. "i gotta take a piss."

   i sit up in my bed and start thinking about what we should do. the party at rodrick's house is in six days and i still don't have the perfect outfit in mind. i walk over to my closet and begin looking. i skim through my closet and find an outfit for today, but not saturday.

jasper walks out and i ask him, "wanna go to the mall?"

"sure, what do you need from there?"

"an outfit for saturday," i reply.

he walks over and sees my closet.

"don't you have enough clothes in here?"

i look at him and smile. "yes, but i really want to wear a super cute outfit and there's nothing i'm in love with here. i'm meeting hella new people at the party."

"i see," he says. "mall it is."

i go into my bathroom and take a shower. i do my regular morning skincare routine and get dressed. i'm wearing a plaid pleated skirt with a black cropped long sleeve that ties up in the front. walking out of my bathroom jasper goes in and compliments me.

i start doing my makeup and hair. i decide on smokey eyeliner and a nude lip. i put my hair into a messed up bun with pins in it. jasper comes out of the bathroom and we head downstairs.

"hey kiddos," i say patting symere and caï's heads. caï grabs my hand and takes it off of his head.

"do you guys wanna hang with the boys and i?"

"we gotta drop symere off at the park," i say grabbing breakfast for jasper and i.

"well can't you guys coke afterwards?" caï asks.

"we're gonna go to the mall," jasper answers.

"we were gonna go to the mall too," caï answers plainly.

"well i guess we'll see you there," i say sitting down. dad comes downstairs with xavier on his hip.

"hey xavy!" i say getting up and taking him from my dad.

"hi lee!"

"let's eat," i tell him.


  we all finish eating our breakfast and i tell symere to get up so we can leave.

   "are you sure greg and rowley are ready?" i ask.

   "uhhh yeah i think so," he responds.

   "all right, go check," i say to him.

   "bug, i need you to watch xavier on friday," my dad says.

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