In two days

271 12 8

"Chouchou, where are you going dressed like that?"

She froze when she heard her father question her. She was wearing a simple yellow chiffon dress together with a pair of white sandals which this time didn't have any heels because she anticipated they would walk a lot today.

There was no way she was going to say it was because of a guy. Chouchou in her 15 years of life, very soon to be 16 has known that awful side of her dad, where every single male that approached her was his enemy.

"I'm meeting a friend today, she needs some help with choosing clothes. You know, girly things!"

"...A girl then."

Choji's face relaxed.

"Be safe! Bring a little snack to papa!"

"No! Papa is on a snack diet, remember?"

It was a punishment diet for eating the whole cake Karui bought for all of them actually.

"Alright... Have fun!"

"I will, papa! I'm off!"


Chouchou walked in a hasted motion. This time she wanted to be first because she felt kinda awkward when Mitsuki stared too much at her. To her surprise, he was already there. "But I'm 10 minutes early," she realized Mitsuki was not being punctual, he flat out arrived way earlier. As expected, he began his staring session as soon as he noticed her. Chouchou looked away from his judgmental eyes, that's why it took her some minutes to notice he wasn't wearing his usual ninja gear. She heard him say

"Good day."

Mitsuki was wearing a pale blue shirt instead of his usual haori and kimono shirt, yet same pants and boots as always. Chouchou started to wonder if the shirt in question was his since it clearly didn't fit him right. It was a little too short and a bit too tight in the back, shoulders and upper arms part. For someone who always wore baggy clothes, it was definitely a weird view.

"Mitsuki is that shirt...?"

He didn't look at her when he said

"I asked Boruto he could lend me one since I felt it was opportune to wear something different this time."

Why, yes. Of course it would fit him badly. Boruto was a head shorter than him, but the back being tight was surprising since Boruto looked bulkier than Mitsuki on the regular. Was Mitsuki hiding muscles beneath all those clothes? Chouchou shook her head before more stupid thoughts invaded her head

"Well, it doesn't fit you. And with this I mean it's too small for you!"

"I'm surprised it hasn't ripped off or something..."

"Yeah, I realized. It ripped off from the armpit."

Mitsuki raised his arm to reveal a huge hole in the shirt. Chouchou facepalmed.

"Boys are really clueless... Wanna grab some clothes? We can sew that hole so Boruto doesn't get mad."

His eyes widened in surprise

"...Is it something worthy to be angry?"

"Uhm, depends on the person. But on the regular you would expect people to take care of what they lend to you, right?"

"I see. Then I should take this off before I rip it even more."

And just like that, Mitsuki started stripping in the middle of the street where everyone could see him. Chouchou with her face deformed in horror literally threw herself over him so he would stop doing stupid snake things.

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