Chapter Forty-Two (2)

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There was only light. Pure, golden light. I was aware that I was breathing, and that there was light, and also that my shoulder felt like a boiling hot poker was being pushed into my skin and twisting around.

            I couldn't be dead if it hurt this much, could I?

            I had never wanted to live more. Every cell in my body strained towards that light, yearned to go to the light, to live in it and open my eyes.

            It was the music that finally woke me. Someone was singing in a high, pure voice that drew me from the depths of my sleep and made me open my eyes. The notes danced through the air, carried on the wind, and brought peace to whoever heard it. It was familiar, but I wasn't sure from where. The air was filled with the wonderful aroma of bread. My stomach rumbled loudly.

            "She's awake!" came a voice from far away, and groggily, I blinked, bringing a hand up to rub my temple, where my head was throbbing painfully. Someone sat on the bed. "Autumn, you okay?" they asked, holding my hand in their warm one, and I tried to nod - I wanted to nod, but my head was throbbing too much for me to think.

            "'M okay," I managed to mumble, closing my eyes against the light again. The hand squeezed mine, their palm dry and calloused - perhaps from holding a sword? My eyes hurt, everything hurt, even parts of me that I didn't know could hurt anymore.

            "You're not, but I wasn't expecting you to be straight away." This was an unfamiliar voice now, and when I shielded my eyes from the light, I saw a plump woman wearing a pirate style blouse under a leather corset. A long skirt fell to touch the floor, where straw and dust had stuck to the hem.

            Her cheeks were rosy and her brown eyes were bright. She handed me a glass of water, which I sipped gratefully.

            "Where am I?" I mumbled, tripping over my own words. I held my head, trying to sit up. Keira shook her head gently, pushing me back down by one shoulder.

            "You're not allowed to sit up." she said gently. "You need time to heal, your shoulder was in a bad way." she smiled and I sighed, wincing when I tried to pull the covers back up to my chin and my shoulder twinged in protest.

            "You're stayin' with me until your shoulder gets better," the woman said, refilling the water. "Drink, you need energy. I'll get you some soup in a bit. I'm Ma Tyress, by the way. Werewolf and Rebel sympathiser." She winked. "But don't you tell that to anyone out there." Her face clouded over. "They're killing everyone. Anyone who sees you or the Queen's daughter -"

            "She isn't my mother." Iris protested from the corner where she was sat, cross-legged on a small straw mattress.

            "Yes, well, whether you are or not isn't the point. Anyone who sees you is meant to hand you over to the King's armies. You're being hunted."

            "Hunted." I echoed, the words ringing in my ears.

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