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Soooo some of you may have noticed that I have a new cover for this - it's not really as nice as the old one but I thought I'd try it out to see what you guys think. Please comment what you think of this one - or if you hate it and want the old one back, say that too!

The rewrites are going veery well to tell the truth, I have SO MANY new chapters that basically expand on life in the Rebel Camp and how Autumn and Wynn get together, more about Celie's past (because she's who this freaking book is named after so I thought I'd better get some of her in and what motivates her to do the thing she does at the end of the book (that's also gonna be done up better as well XD)) and there's a lot more on how to Shift and how the Ring of Earth (kudos to Young Samurai fans!!) and its element helps with a lot of...stuff. Can't say more about that specifically because it plays a MASSIVE part later on in the series.

I'm so excited about writing the rewritten version that I'm not even halfway through and I'm almost 40k words in...and if this all goes to plan, it should be about as long as City of Bones or Divergent (I hope)!!

I've also entered this in the Watty Awards 2014 (If I can get it finished on time that is!) and it would be absolutely great if you could share this with your friends who like this sorta stuff ;)

so now it falls to me to say goodbye once again, if you have any questions/things that need answering in this first draft, I'd love for you to ask me about them - cause I'm sure I haven't noticed half of the plot holes etc!!


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