New Story!

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Hey guys! So I have recently hit 1,000 votes here - and I can't deny that I did a little dance and song!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! I want to give a special thanks to @CookieCrumblesDown for writing one of the nicest comments I've ever received and @robintje1q2 for being here from the very beginning! You've been amazing and I don't think you get the recognition you deserve!!

ANYWAY, away from this story; I have published a new story! It's called Here be Dragons, and it's similar to Pirates of the Caribbean, but with a different plotline. If you could all check it out, that would be brilliant! Only the first chapter is out so far, but hopefully I'll be updating at least every week so it should be good! Here's the description:

Eliza Hugo is meant to stay home, marry a good man, raise his children and look after her mother. But that's the last thing she wants. She hates to have to stay behind while her brother goes off on long voyages. She dreams of meeting a pirate in the family inn and going off with him to the Caribbean, where she can be free.

But when her brother disappears on another voyage, acting almost as if he's disowned her, everything changes. A night raid on her sleepy, seaside town leaves her stuck on a pirate ship with a maniacal Captain, a handsome young First Mate and a crew full of violent idiots. This is exactly what she wished for - or is it?

Now all she wants is to see her brother again. But when the news comes that his ship has been wrecked on an island surrounded by Mermaids, she is determined to find him. No matter what the cost.

And what has the Captain's obsession with finding a lost treasure on that island have to do with her strange compass necklace that her father gave her before he disappeared forever?

Soo...please go read it if you have a spare moment! Hopefully you'll like it! Here's the link: 

I WILL LOVE YOU ALL FOREVER IF YOU READ IT (not that I don't already love you guys forever)

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