Chapter Twenty (2)

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I STUMBLED BACKWARDS IN shock and stared, wide-eyed at the King. His eyes matched mine, watching me steadily as though it wasn't a massive deal that he was a Shifter, just like me. His face wasn't how I'd expected - it was much less sharp, and his cheekbones were less prominent - I'd expected him to be some kind of Dracula villain, when in actual fact his face was soft, gently curving around like the scar on his cheek.

                I tried to calm my breathing, still staring in horror at his golden eyes. I shook my head like I was trying to rid my brain of a swarm of bees. There hadn't been Shapeshifters for fifteen years - in the fifteen years of my life, there hadn't been one. I was the last - the last Shifter seen in fifteen years.

                So if he was one...did that mean that he was...

                "N-no." I whispered, still backing away. "No, this can't's not happening!" I covered my ears like I didn't want to hear any more. My stomach was twisting itself into knots, I felt sick...what was he trying to say? He was either...either...

                No. Don't think about that. I told myself angrily. I couldn't afford to think like that, that only made my brain muddled and confused...and that was the last thing I wanted. I had to stay calm. I looked down at my hands. They were shaking slightly.

                Balthazar was smirking even more now, watching my distress almost hungrily as I tried to process what had just happened. This was just...just...

                "Was that a shock?" he approached me, but I backed away, my hands up high. 

                "Get away from me!" I yelled, backing away even further. If I walked much further then I would hit the wall. I glanced behind me, and when I looked back he was even closer to me. I yelped, tripping over my own feet and catching myself just before I overbalanced.

                "What would you do if I were to..." he widened his eyes slightly. "tell you another secret?" he breathed, walking closer to me every second. I shivered, looking away. Get me out of here, now! My brain was screaming. Do something! Get away from the creep!

                "You're mental," I growled back, glancing around the room for an escape. Maybe I could fight him off - one glance at his swords and the way he held himself like a snake, coiled and poised to strike told me that there was no chance of escape.

                "Now, we - your mother and I - met seventeen years ago. She was like a glimmering ruby, her eyes as bright as the stars and her hair like fire. A year later, we were joined together in matrimony." He watched me closely, and I felt like I was in the zoo, watched by so many strangers.

                Matrimony...I watched him carefully back. He was...he had been married to my mother? Did that make him -

                I shook my head hard. "No. You're wrong, you''re completely mad."

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