Chapter Twenty-Four (2)

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Oh, God, I should never have let them come with me. Maybe then Pasiphae would still think her daughter was dead. Maybe then Iris' life wouldn't be ruined if she found out. And she would - Pasiphae wouldn't let her leave here without her knowing.

                I shivered, moving in front of Iris, blocking her from the Queen's view. I glared up at the dais, but Pasiphae wasn't smirking - she looked shocked, almost afraid. She began to make her way down the stairs, heading toward us.

                "Look what you've done," Celie groaned. "She's going to throw us back in the dungeon and we're all going to die because you...because you put up your fingers to the Queen!"

                I was staring at the Queen. "We have to get out of here." I whispered, turning and grabbing Iris. "We have to move."

                "But I -" Iris protested, glaring over my shoulder. I started to walk, Keira and Celie following Iris and I as we weaved through the crowd, heading for a small door that I hoped would get us out of here. Screw waiting for the moon, we had to move before Iris found out that her parents were the evillest people in the country.

                "She's catching up." Celie panted, wrestling people out of her way. "Excuse me - sorry, could you please move...thank you -" she tried to clear us a path, but people were reluctant to move and everybody made a path for the Queen.

                My breath caught and I looked over my shoulder, to watch Pasiphae walk calmly through the crowd, pursuing us. "Go faster," I muttered to Iris.

                "I'm going as fast as I can!" she hissed back, pushing through a group of people who glared at her, then stared at me, whispering behind their hands.

                "'Scuse us," I said breathlessly, watching them move then their eyes widen when they realised who followed us. "Go go go -" I hissed to Iris, who tried to move faster but people just seemed to get in our way even more.

                "Stop." came a voice over the music. I froze, whipping around to see Pasiphae standing right behind us. Her eyes weren't looking at me - she was staring over my shoulder at Iris.

                "Stay away!" I warned, moving in front of Iris, who protested loudly.

                "Autumn, move -" she pushed me to one side, her eyes widening when she saw the Queen. She swore.

                "Let me speak to her." Pasiphae spoke to me. My eyes narrowed, and Celie and Keira both moved to my sides, glaring hard at the Queen. "Let me speak."

                "Never." Celie spoke, her voice venomous. I looked at her, surprised she was following on - she didn't even know what was going on. Warmth spread through me and I joined her and Keira in glaring at the Queen.

                Pasiphae chuckled. "You cannot stop me from doing what I want to, Faerie." her voice was like steel and she took a step towards us. I tensed, shielding Iris with my arms, trying to usher her behind me - but she was having none of it.

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