Chapter 40

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Years Later

Sylvia POV

"Babe can you take the boys to school I have to go get Ariana and Alex I'm taking them to her appointment" "Yeah I gotchu" Myles shouted back as I ran out the door and into the car driving to Ariana and Alex's house

They moved out a year ago to be exact they're married and they have one in the way I was super excited but sad because I'm gonna have to be a grandma but I'm sure I'm gonna love that baby with all my heart.

Ariana POV

My mom Alex and I arrived at the hospital waiting for them to call my name I was so ready to see my baby I couldn't wait to find out the gender today . Me and Alex got married and now we're pregnant it's kinda crazy how much time has flew by I remember the exact words we said to eachother when we first met and I will never forget them.

Dave is in jail for domestic violence. He called me the other day asking me how I was I'm not gonna lie I did talk back and actually had a conversation but I will never ever see him the same again .

"Ariana Mendes" I stood up I love my new name but my dad hates it . "Right this way" the nurse smiled taking me to a dark room I laid out on the bed and my mom stood next to the nurse to see the baby and Alex sat in the chair next to me holding my hand  "Okay this is gonna be warm gel and I'm gonna rub it and we'll be able to see your baby and the gender okay?" she smiled and I nodded

She put a lot on my stomach and rubbed it around "Oh my god" my mom put her hand over her heart I tried looking "Dont move baby" she smiled I nodded as the lady printed some pictures  "Okay ready to see your baby?" I nodded she turned the screen and I set eyes on my beautiful baby a tear fell from my eyes and I looked to see Alex and his eyes were also watery I smiled and hugged him he cried into my chest and pecked my lips sitting up wiping his tears

"Its a beautiful baby boy" the nurse smiled and pointed at the screen where his lil pee pee was "Oh that's a big one just like his--" "Alex" we all laughed and the nurse turned the screen back around

After they got me all cleaned up we got the pictures and I decided not to post them anywhere I don't like my business all over the internet anymore especially all the haters because of my dad being famous and all it kinda sucked but whatever not everyone needs to see my shit.

Alex invited us to go get a quick bite before we go back home he was paying for everything.

I was proud of myself for fulfilling my wishes and being able to pay for everything of my moms. she doest pay rent she doesn't pay car insurance she doenst even have to work I got her my parents did so much for me when I was little and I'm glad I get to pay it all back.

"So are you excited baby?" my mom took a bite of her cheeseburger and looked at me "Yes I'm so excited!" "I'm so glad baby but I'm getting so old" "No you're not mom don't say that you are the most amazing and beautiful woman I have ever met " she smiled "I love you baby girl" "I love you more momma"

Myles POV

I honked my horn as I waited for the boys to hurry up I see them running to the car racing to see who gets shotgun "Aye aye stop you're fucking up my baby " I rubbed the car they chuckled "Your both gonna go in the back if you don't stop" "Dad please let me go I'm trying to impress that girl over there" Izaya whined and Isaac stood in the back laughing

"Fine" that turned Isaac's smile into a frown. Izaya laughed in his face and got in I looked over at the girl she was cute and looked exactly like Izaya's type

My boys are in high school and my poof is no longer on fleek as they used to say back in my day it's all filled with gray ass hair and I hate it

Izaya is the sweetheart and Isaac is the clown he's brings different girlfriends almost every month I swear my boys a slut meanwhile Izaya had only brought one home they were together for about one and a half years but they broke up because she had to move out of the country literally.

Izaya was really shy meanwhile Isaac was loud and you can never shut him up . they're complete opposites but look exactly the same except Isaac has that lil freckle  I have by my mouth and Izaya has the on his mom has near her nose.

I took them to their basketball practice and I went to watch they played in a team with Kalin's boys Dylan and Jesse Kalin was sitting on the bleachers I went up and sat next to him "Ayee Myles how you doin old man" "Shut up asshole!" he chuckled "I'm kidding" 

"Hows my sister?" "She's good she went to take Alex and Ariana to the appointment" "Did they tell you what it is?" I shook my head "I bet it's a boy" "Why?" "Believe me Parrish" I chuckled "Okay well see I ain't betting money though" he nodded "Alright"

After practice I took Isaac and Izaya to chipotle not only because they wanted some but because I haven't had it in a while. "So tell me about this girl Izaya" "Just a nerd dad just like him" "You better shut the fuck up Isaac" Izaya snapped which shocked us "Izaya calm your nuts" we laughed

"She's in all of my classes and we started talking last week in geometry she's the coolest chick I've ever met" "Well definitely don't tell your mom she'll beat her ass" "Dad" "Sorry but I want to meet her invite her to your basketball game this weekend" he nodded "I will!" I smiled I'm so proud

A/N : awwww everyone is all grown up :') hey I'm sorry but this story is like almost ending and I'm so saddddddddddddddd especially the ending I have it all planned its written down and everything

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