Chapter 10

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Ariana POV

I woke up and got ready I wore a maroon long sleeve and some grey VS jogger pants and some moccasins it was Friday and I was ready for this weekend and to sleep in I left my hair in wavy waves lol yes so much description and light makeup my phone started buzzing

Alex - Hey are you walking to school?

No but I'll walk with you if you want

Alex - Yeah I'd like that


Alex - I'm downstairs

I blushed a little and grabbed my backpack

I walked to the kitchen "Hey you need a ride to school?" my dad passed me my much and I shook my head "No I'm walking thanks for lunch love you " I kissed his cheek and ran out the door

Alex was standing there with some soccer sweats and a black hoodie his hair was up in a little poof sort of like my fathers he looked real cute "Hey" I smiled "Hey" he sighed "I'm sorry" "For what?" "Last night I'm sorry that happened" "It's okay I'm fine I guess my dad was never a man" I didn't say a word

"Anyways you look gorgeous today" he smiled "Thanks so do you" he looked at me "I mean you look nice not gorgeous cause only girls can look gorgeous right?" I nervously laughed "Your adorable" he laughed as we started walking

We finally got to school we didn't have 1st period together or 2nd or 3rd or 4th or even 5th we had 6th period together

I walked into my first period and Kylie immediately ran to me "Oh my god Ariana today's the day you get to hang out with cute guy and so do I" she squealed "No actually I can't I made a new friend and I'm gonna hang out with him" she made her mouth into a 'o' shape "Really? your gonna pick him over me" "You? your gonna be over there being a hoe and I'm gonna have to be with a complete stranger no thanks I'm cool" I rolled my eyes and sat in my chair


At lunch I walked to the cafeteria to find Alex this was our new meeting spot I sat down and a group of guys came up to me "Damn Ariana you lookin real cute today " "Uhh thanks do I know you?" "No but you can suck this dick" "Your a terrible excuse for a human being get out of my face" I rolled my eyes "Come on I know you want to no need to be shy baby just ask" he laughed pushing a strand on my hair behind me ear

"Leave me the fuck alone" I clenched my teeth I wasn't really that good at defending myself "Do something princess" he leaned it and kissed my lips I was in complete disgust "Hey!" I heard someone yell

He tuned around and Alex punched him right in the face knocking him out "Holy shit Alex" his friends all looked at Alex "Oh fuck" shit was gonna go down "Fight me little boy come on" "Little?" he chuckled and then throwing another punch "Oh my god!" I grabbed Alex's hand and ran out of the cafeteria

"Where are we going?!" "Away from here" I ran to the back on the school where there was a little bench "What was that for?" "I didn't want you to get in trouble" he smiled "Thanks but I swear I could of beat his ass" "I know" I put my hand on his shoulder "Thank you" I kissed his soft cheek and he smiled pulling me into his chest

Sylvia POV

2 Years Later (I'm sorry I keep fast forwarding)

It's been two years since Mama Parrish found out she had a tumor I'm her stomach when Myles found out he cried for the longest time I remember that week being so depressing today was the day of her surgery to try and remove it we were all here

Myles , Jake , Ariana , Dom , Alex , Julie , Tyler , Kalin , Cam and I we all waited in the waiting room we brought sleeping bags and food to camp out in the waiting room and they were totally okay with that (Done this before lmao it's creepy)

We all set up the place and chilled "Lets pray" we all nodded and got close and said a prayer for Mama Parrish

Ariana POV

Me and Alex walked down to the cafeteria when everyone fell asleep and grabbed some food I loved hospital food tbh Alex was my best friend ever he has been there for me throughout these two years that I've met him he showed me the right and wrongs in life and I appreciate him were sophmores in high school now and things only get harder I was struggling and I cold only imagine how hard junior and senior year is gonna be

"I hope she's okay" he sighed "Me too" I took a bite of my salad "Well at least we don't have to go to school tomorrow and stress over school" I nodded "True we need this break but it's almost winter break ! we get to hang out all day while our parents work" I smiled wide "Yes and your making me cookies!" he laughed

I rolled my eyes and smiled "2 More days" he crossed his fingers and closed his eyes "Ready to go to sleep?" I nodded and stood up throwing away my shit and then we walked back to the waiting room we played down I yawned "Goodnight" I whispered "Night" he turned his back on me and fell asleep

3 Updates in one night washannen sorry I'm extremely bored at a family gathering and I have no friends to text so here I am lol and also I love seeing your guys comments about how you feel about the story so please let me know if I'm doing it right(: OH BTW Follow my fanacc BigBootyMyless (:

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