Chapter 35

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Alex POV

I ran home and ordered one ticket to Miami asap my flight was tonight at 11:30 pm I finally sat down on the couch and exhaled deeply my mom was off at work by now I was worried about Ariana I feel like he's gonna hurt her I don't give a fuck if he fights me I'm all for it but don't ever fuck with Ariana.

Hour Later

I woke up to knocks on the door Oh god it's probably Dave I sighed and sat up cracking my neck knuckles and back I opened the door and he was standing there looking down his fist in a ball and his teeth clenched he was taking deep breaths "Why would you fuck my girlfriend?" "Because--" "That shit ain't cool bruh" "You hurt her that night" "When the fuck have I hurted her she means the world to me !"

"Alright I'm already over this conversation you gonna fight me or what? Cause I'm hungry I'm gonna go get some chipotle or something" I cleared my throat and laid my head on the door frame he looked up "You think your so tough? Think about it Alex Ariana isn't here to stop us so I can finally beat your fucking ass!" he punched me in the jaw and I reacted quickly and punched him back then it just became a big brawl

I think I got some good punches I'm not even sure who's winning this fight right now I was just going along with it "AYYEEE WHAT THE FUCK!!" I felt a strong grip break us apart I looked and see Jake "Go the fuck home!" he yelled at Dave while Dom put her hands around my shoulder and took me to her house I turned around and see Dave's face which is completely fucked up

"What the hell happened!?" she grabbed a wet rag and patted it under my eye and above my lip "Stupid shit I'm going to Miami tonight" "Why!?" "I have to" "Okay fine let's keep it between us font tell Jake because he'll tell Myles and oh god I don't even wanna imagine" she sighed "I won't thanks for this" I smiled taking the rag "Don't lay down or sleep just to be safe!" she yelled as I walked out I chuckled "Yes Dom"

Ariana POV

My mom , Tyler and grandparents all went out to the bar & casino so I stayed here babysitting this place was so nice it had an amazing view plus it was so peaceful just sitting down drinking some hot cocoa and listening to the soothing sounds of the waves and my little brothers yelling and fighting ever 5 fucking seconds

"Shut the fuck up or I'm throwing you guys in the ocean!" "Shut up fatso!" they yelled back oh hell no I jumped up and threw my pillow at them and they laughed we started pillow fighting and the door rung "Mommy isn't supposed to come home until later" they ran behind the counter "Awiana!" they whispered I turned around and they handed me a big kitchen knife I giggled and set it down "Stay in the kitchen if they kill me run" I liked to scare them

I walked ok bee and opened the door "Alex!?!" "Awex?!" the twins jumped out "Hey!" he smiled "Oh my god your face What happened?!" I brought him in and sat him on the couch I ran and grabbed a napkin wiping his scratches and busted lip and eye "Thats actually what I wanted to talk to you about" I nodded and then his nose started gushing out blood "Holy shit!" I ran over to the bathroom with him

I sat his on the closed toilet seat and grabbed Kleenex placing it in his nose and tilting his head toward (I heard that's the way idk don't judge me)

"What the fuck happened?!" "Dave" "Dave!?!" I yelled and he nodded "He found out" "How!?!" I was screaming at this point "Kylie!" he sighed "What the fuck how the fuck did she find out oh I'm so fucking mad" I walked out and out the door to get some air I didn't even want to go upstairs to my phone he was probably calling me bitching at me I'm gonna fucking kill Kylie and I mean it

Sylvia POV

I was a drinking at the bar and my phone started ringing "I'll be back" I smiled kissing Tyler's cheek I walked outside


Hey who's this?

Myles . . .

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