Chapter 1

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Sylvia POV

2 Years Later

"Mom mom mom!" Ariana pulled on my jacket "Ariana stop it were almost done" "But I wanna go home and play with my dolls" "You're gonna have to wait my love" I rubbed her head and she sighed laying her head on my waist and hugging my torso we were in line at the bank tomorrow is thanksgiving and it was gonna be at our house so we wanted to go all out I just needed to get the money so I can go get the stuff I needed.

I was finally next in line "Come on baby" I rubbed her head and we walked up to the machine I clicked and clicked buttons and finally got out of there we went into car and drove the hell out of there "Ariana we have to go to the store and get the supplies for tomorrow okay?" She nodded "I love shopping" she only liked it because she got everything she wanted she's our first child so we spoiled her rotten especially Myles and our parents I could only imagine how she's gonna act when she's a teen she's gonna be so dramatic like her mother.

We got to foodmaxx and we got out I held her hand and we walked inside she grabbed a cart and cleaned the handle with a wipe they had she couldn't reach it enough to push it and I giggled "Oh Ariana your so cute" she smiled and I took over the cart we skimmed through the aisles and grabbed stuff including things for Ariana like gummies cookies etc. we were now at the cash register loading the things on the counter for them to scan them up I yawned as I waited "Mom can I get this?" I looked down at Ariana and she had a chocolate and I nodded "Mom now ? Dang that's crazy" I looked up "I'm sorry do I know you?" "You forgot about me huh?" I nodded slightly "Take a guess" he smiled I shrugged "I really have no idea" I nervously chuckled "Think back to Miami" he squinted his eye I smiled wide "Yovani!?" He nodded "Oh my god!" I smiled "How have you been you disappeared after--" He looked down and scanned my items "Anyways what are you doing tonight?" "Dinner with my girlfriends parents" he smiled as he finished the last of the items and the bag boy finished loading my cart

"Well text me maybe we can plan something with the fam" I smiled and he nodded we exchanged numbers and I out him under Yovani from Foodmaxx I grabbed Ariana's hand and pushed the cart to the car she helped me load the car and then got in her car seat I drove off to the house

I walked inside Myles was in his boxers on the couch with Jake and Dom "Myles can you guys help me bring the things upstairs" Jake and Myles stood up and walked out Dom slowly got up "I'll do it cause your gonna cook for me" she smiled and out her arm around my shoulder I smiled and nodded Jake and Dom moved in so we had to get a apartment with 3 bedrooms it was honestly fun to come home and always have someone home Dom was my best friend along with Jake.

Ariana went inside with some bags and put them in the kitchen while everyone else grabbed some and did the same we finally finished unloading and putting everything in the places they had to be I started defrosting the turkey while everyone was just watching some movies

"Mom can I have some ice cream?" I shook my head "No baby you have to eat first" "Okay oh here mom somebody texted you" she handed me my phone everyone in the living room looked at me and it was Yovani from foodmaxx I giggled at the name and then replied to him "Who is it?" "Oh yeah do you guys remember Yovani?!" "Oh yeah!" Jake smiled "Yeah he works at foodmaxx and when I went today with Ariana he was the cashier "Yovani from foodmaxx" Myles chuckled and rubbed his eye and I nodded "He should come over tomorrow Jake jumped up "No he's going with his girlfriends family" "Well she can come too!" I shrugged "Here have his number" I passed Jake my iPhone 9s (Lmfao) and he took out his phone too writing it down "Let me get it too" Myles grabbed my phone out of his hands "Damn dude jealous or what?!" Jake chuckled and Dom put her hand on his chest and Myles scoffed "Of him!? Of course not"

Oh god I feel that bad feeling again.

A/N : Yayyy yayy yayyy I love this

Tough Love 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon