Chapter 5

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Sylvia POV

I needed a break I couldn't take this drama I've tried my hardest to stop them from fighting but Jake keeps pulling me back Myles is yelling at me to go away "Myles please stop do it for Ariana Myles stop it!" "Leave me the fuck alone I don't need you let me fight my own battles I don't need you constantly talking shit and judging me about every single thing I do I'm done" he yelled his v ins popping out of his neck everyone was in complete shock I choked on my tears and ran into the room and slammed the door I grabbed my phone tears streaming down my face and dialed the only person besides Dom who actually understood me , Tyler he answered immediately "Hey what's wrong?" "Myles and Yovani are fighting their yelling at me and I just can't anymore can you please--" "Be outside in 5 minutes" I smiled a bit and hung up I texted Dom the situation she said she was gonna spend the night at her cousins because Jake and her also got in an argument.

(oh my god listen to let me hold you by bow wow this almost mad me cry holy flakjaoksis)

I wiped my eyes and grabbed my things I looked back and see Myles and Yovani still talking shit I sighed loudly and cried I ran out the door and ran down the stairs into Tyler's arms he lifted me up a bit I cried into his shoulder "I hate that I love him but why does this always happen" I sighed "Come on get in the car I don't want you to be in this environment anymore" he kissed my forehead and looked up at the door before he got in driving off to his apartment

We got inside and I sat on the couch while he got me a drink he handed it to me and got on his knees and held my hand "Tell me how you feel" I sighed and sniffles and then put my cup down and hugged him crying into his shoulders again he rubbed my back "Its gonna be okay" he broth heavily and squeezed me tight I pulled away and wiped my eyes "The way he yelled at me was just so--" I choked on my words "I just don't know anymore Myles never treats me like that" I couldn't even speak anymore "I understand Sylvia don't worry if you don't wanna discuss it right now that's okay" he kissed my cheek and I smiled as a tear fell from my eyes

We laid on the couch and watched some tv he was the best at calming me down I called Dom and asked about Ariana she was having fun with Dom's little cousin I'm happy my baby is happy but mommy is not

Myles POV

I looked in the mirror my teeth clenched I hated myself I fucked it up I fucked everything up I looked down at my fist and exhaled and then punched the wall several times I fucking hate myself I'm a horrible father and husband I reminisced what I was saying to her her eyes they were full of hurt and I caused that I fell to the floor and broke down I'm fucking done with myself I walked to the kitchen and drank alcohol straight from the bottle Jake wasn't here Dom wasn't here Ariana wasn't here and Sylvia wasn't here nobody could stop me this time.

I sat on the table crying drinking looking at my photo roll hoping she would call me or text me but I highly doubted that I started feeling dizzy this wasn't good I laid on the floor and my eyes were barely open I knew if I closed my eyes something bad would happen I fought so that I wouldn't sleep I fluttered my eyes "fuck!" I screamed as my eyelids got heavier I exhaled deeply my heart started hurting I'm stuck I couldn't do this any longer I finally closed my eyes everything was black but I was still awake I looked around and stood up what the fuck is going on ?

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