Chapter 42

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Izaya POV

Today was the day this was like my hundredth basketball game but Sophie being here makes me even more nervous. Especially knowing the fact that my mom and sister will be in the bleachers judging her. I was in the locker room putting on my uniform "You nervous?" Isaac looked at me and patted my shoulders "A little" I shrugged

"Alright guys come on we need to have a chat" me and my brother stood up and walked over hovering with the team "Okay this is a nerve racking game and you need to beat them you can do it you've done it multiple times and remember this game will be a start of your career" "Wait is Mr Jones watching this game?!" Isaac's eyes widened and he nodded "Do the best you can the best you've ever done!"

"You guys got this now get out there!" he blew his whistle and we ran out oh man now not only is Sophie watching me but now Mr Jones is watching us this is gonna be terrible I'm gonna fuck it all up.

I looked up at the bleachers and I see Sophie sitting with my mom and sister my heart started racing she waved at me and I waved back I just exploded.

Sylvia POV

"Can you tell the difference between the twins?" Ariana laughed "Yeah" Sophie smiled "They always mess with Ariana when she comes over" I laughed and so did she "Sylvia don't make her feel uncomfortable" Myles whispered "I'm not!" "Oh yeah I'm sure" "shut up" I smiled kissing his cheek and turning back to Ariana and Sophie.

Half of the game

"What do you think about my son?" "Izaya? He's such a sweetheart!" "Yeah he is" I smiled "Do you like him?!" Ariana blurted "Stop it!" Myles shook his head "Sorry for their behavior their just really over protective of the boys" he smiled "Its fine I know my parents are like that too!" she smiled she was such a sweetheart

"Fuck come on !!" Myles yelled he was so intense the game was a tie and there was only little time left" "Come on Izaya you can do this!'" she screamed

Izaya POV

I heard her scream for me I smiled I knew I had this I dribbled the ball and pushed the guy out of the way and shot the ball directly into the basket grabbing onto it and hanging for about two seconds then I jumped off into my teams arms everyone was cheering me and my team on

"You did it bro!" Isaac smiled and rubbed my shoulders everyone was congratulating me "Izaya hi I'm Mr Jones how would you like to practice on our campus?!" I looked to the side where my coach was and he was smiling like no other "Yeah yeah I will" "Great!" the coach hugged me and I laughed I looked to my right where my family was plus Sophie I. started walking over and hugging them "Good job son! you too Isaac " my dad hugged us both "My babies!" my mom squeezed our cheeks

"Hey congrats!" Sophie smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck and I put my hands on her waist and she squeezed me my eyes widened and my mouth started getting dry she rubbed my back and I blushed "Thanks sorry I smell like sweat right now" she pulled away and giggled rubbing her fingers through her hair

"No it's fine I totally love smelling like armpit" I chuckled at her sarcasm she playfully punched my shoulder "Its Okay" I looked up at Isaac pointing at her to invite her over to the house I nodded and took a deep breath "Hey Sophie would you like to come over to my house? umm were having a little party I guess" I scratched the back of my head "Of course I will!" "Great I'll uhh text you" she nodded and hugged me one last time

"Bye everyone I'll see you guys later!" she waved and walked off into the distance "YOU DID IT!!!" they yelled and cheered I smiled "Shut up I swear if you guys made her feel word I'm never forgiving you guys" "Oh calm down we were being nice!" I shrugged and did a little dance because Sophie was coming over

A/N : Awwwwwww Izaya got dem feeeelllssssss and so do I btw if you wanted to know Sophie is Vanessa Merrell :)

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