Chapter 45

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Sylvia POV

Once I heard the front door open I raced to it I see Myles throwing his things on the floor I ran over and jumped into his arms he gave me those sparks that I felt the first time I loved him so much he rubbed my back and this whole scenario just made me feel so much better already

"I missed you" I whispered "I missed you. more" I pulled away and pecked his lips softly he put me down and he held my hand as I led him to the living room "How was your weekend?" "Terrible and you know it" I lightly giggled I sat on the couch still holding his hand

"Where are the boys?" "Isaac you already know I have no idea and Izaya is at dinner with Sophie" "Aww my little man" I smiled and noddded "So it's just us tonight" I stood up and smirked running my hands up his shirt and he bit his lip

"Oh god" he blushed a little "I need to shower first" he let go of my hand "Its fine I like it dirty" I bit my lip and giggled

. . .

Izaya POV

Meeting Sophie's dad was pretty awkward but it could've been worse her dad went off to work his night shift I was supposed to go home but Sophie insisted I should stay a little longer we were up in her room laying on her bed

"You know what's funny?" "What?" I chuckled turning to face her "I've noticed the way you look at me" my heart began to race "What do you mean?" "Izaya it's obvious" she sat up and rested her head on her hand "I'm not fully understanding" I nervously smiled

"Do you like me?" I was completely shocked I didn't know how to react or what to say I knew I was breathing super hard I out my hands on my face

"Izaya?" "Sorry uhh -" "Dont be shy " she giggled "I like you too" she crawled over to me and laid her head on my chest putting her hand on my stomach "Are you okay?" she sat up "Yeah why?" "Your heart is kind of going crazy" "Because of you" she smiled and pecked my lips sparks went everywhere and I couldn't believe this was happening

"So me having feelings for you is funny?" I furrowed my eyebrows "No not in that way" "Whatever I'm out of here " I stood up and walked towards the door joking "You little shit you actually tricked me" she smiled and I walked back over pecking her lips .

Isaac POV

"I need to go home now" I sighed as I held the door open "You don't love me enough to stay?" Madison yelled "Love ? you wanna talk about love Madison?" "I love you Isaac" "No you don't love me" "But I--" "The only love I have is for my family my mother is the only woman I will love more than any other beside my sister!" "Isaac" she stood up "No I'm done this is done I'm going home I'm tired of choosing you over my family!" I stormed out

I walked to my car and drove off to my house I couldn't believe how stupid I was let alone how bad I treated my mother.

I stopped by the store to buy her some roses and her favorite little snacks I put them in a cute little box and set them in the passengers seat this is the most I've done for a woman but it's all worth it for my momma bear

I pulled up and walked up the stairs the other car was missing so I knew Izaya was out with Sophie I got my key and unlocked it I walked in to my dad walking around in his underwear "Oh this is awkward" "Isaac" he laughed "Where's mom?" "Well I missed you too" he rolled his eyes "Missed you dad" I laughed hugging him "Shes in the living room" I walked over she was laying on the couch drinking some coffee

"Isaac why are you home so early" "Momma I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you (Eminem reference) I know that I have been being a real dick lately but I realized tonight that you are the only woman I will ever love in this world"

She stood up tears in her eyes I handed her the present which caused a storm from her eyes I smiled and she hugged me tightly I rubbed her back and hugged back

"You're the man Isaac" my dad patted and rubbed my shoulder I smiled I really liked this feeling that I had right now which was love actual love.

A/N Sorry for the late update I've been reading a fanfiction and I was super obsesssed and couldn't focus but I'm back this story is close to ending like. couple chapters left I know how I'm ending this and I'm super excited to see how you guys will react :)

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