Chapter 27

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Sylvia POV

We got to the house It was about 3 I had to go grocery shopping and Myles had to work

"I'm gonna go shower" Myles kissed my cheek and I nodded patting his big booty he chuckled and went in the bathroom I walked to Ariana's room and knocked "Who is it?" "Its me baby can I come in or what?" I yelled "Oh yeah hold on" what the fuck was this bitch doing?

I heard the door unlock and she opened it she stood there her hair a mess she had a hoodie and some pajama shorts on "Why did you lock the door?" "I didn't want anyone to rob me" I laughed "Alex slept here?" she nodded as I pointed to a sleeping Alex on her bed

"Yeah I didn't wanna sleep alone" I raised my eyebrow "Uh huh" she blushed "Okay bye mom" "Mhm get ready were going grocery shopping once your dad leaves I'm gonna shower and we'll go" she nodded and I smiled walking to me and Myles room

Ariana POV

"You idiot we almost got caught!" "Me!? I was just sleeping" he used air quotes around sleeping I smiled a little and walked to my bathroom "Let me go to the store with you guys" he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist and sliding them in my shorts "Alexis!" he chuckled and pulled away "I love you" he pecked my lips and I just looked down

"Hey what's wrong?" he put his hand on my jawline and lifted my face up so we were making direct eye contact "I'm scared Alex" "Scared for what?" "Your just gonna use me that's all you want after this your no idea even gonna bother talking to me--" "What are you talking about Ariana I've loved you every since I first met you this feeling I have for you its so strong I know it's never going away"

A tear rolled down my cheek as I lifted my head up a little "But Alex you have Andrea ! and I have Dave" "If you think I won't leave Andrea for you your a little" he put his finger to his head and twirled it I smiled a little "I'll leave Andrea in a heartbeat for you Ariana" he put his hands on my waist and leaned his forehead against mine as he looked down at me I smiled a bit "I don't know" I pushed his hands away and walked to my drawers grabbing some clothes "Think about it" he sat on the bed in front of my trying to get my attention "I will" I leaned in and pecked his lips and ran to the bathroom to get ready

At the store

We scanned through the aisles Alex was pushing the cart while my mom and me grabbed things and threw them in the cart "Ariana can you go get me that box of cereal" I nodded in was in pain from last night I honestly feel like I had sex with Chuck Norris or some shit I painfully walked over and grabbed it and walked back "Why are you walking like that?" my mom furrowed her eyebrows

I look st Alex who thought this whole situation was absolutely hilarious I smiled a little "Alex kicked me yesterday in the thigh" I rubbed my thigh pretending it hurt "Mhmm" she raised an eyebrow and kept walking I waited until Alex walked next to me "You little fucker" he laughed

"Aye but you loved it right?" he put his hand on my chin and lifted it I nodded and smiled blushing "Oh look at the little baby blushing" I looked down and smiled "But I'm sorry for hurting you I guess or I don't even know what to say" he chuckled "Its not my fault I have a big--" "Alright let's get out of here" I rolled my eyes and walked towards my mom holding back my laugh

Kylie POV

I walked down the aisle to get some brownie mix these pregnancy cravings were killing me I grabbed it and put it in my cart I hear someone laugh really loud we look up and see Ariana and Alex I laughed to myself and his behind the coffee stand and looked over at them

They kissed whoa but wait isn't she dating Dave ? Oh wait they had sex oh this is gonna be a good time! I laughed and ran the other direction knowing exactly what my plan was

Alex POV

We got back to Ariana's house and her mom and her were making dinner I went home to take a shower and chill out for a while until the dinner was ready

"Hey baby" my mom put her hands on my stomach and kissed my cheek as I walked in the house "Hi momma" I kissed her forehead "Some girl came looking for you I have no idea who she was put she looked like she was really excited to see you" "A girl? the only girl I know is Andrea and Ariana" my mom shrugged "Here she left you a letter" she handed me a letter in a red envelop with a outline of lips with black lipstick

I grabbed it and looked at the back it read

Dont open this until Thursday

I furrowed my eyebrows what the fuck just as I was about to open the card when my phone started ringing it was Andrea


Hey baby

Hey love how was your flight

It was boring I miss you so much already

I miss you too baby we will be together in no time just watch

I love you

I looked up at my mom "Keep this until Thursday please" she nodded and smiled taking it and walking to her office I went up to my room


Yeah sorry I was talking to my mom

What is she keeping until Thursday?

Oh nothing just a letter I got it said not to open it until Thursday so I mean why not

She giggled

face time me babe

Okay be right there

We hung up and I grabbed my laptop and set it in my desk and went on the chair I turned it on and went on face time I really didn't mind how I looked anymore I'm not trying to impress her anymore . .

Andrea POV

I smiled as his face came onto my screen "Hi baby!" I smiled "Hey " he smiled and waved "How was your day?" "Good! what about yours" "Terrible cause I miss you" I looked down "Aww babe" he smiled and looked down too he didn't seem okay thoguh he was acting different and I didn't really like it it was the first day we were apart and he's already acting different

But I know something is up and I'm gonna find out what it is .


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