Chapter 19

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Ariana POV

"Yeah okay thanks man I owe you one" Dave sighed hanging up the phone and laying back down next to me

"What did he say?" "Your dad called the school and said you need to take the bus to the hospital asap " "What happened?!" I jumped off his bed grabbing my things "I don't know but I'll give you a ride" I nodded and ran out the door

We got in his car and he sped up "Who answered the phone" My co worker in the office" he chuckled "I always talk to him about you" I blushed

We got to the hospital and I got out "So when will I see you again?" Dave sighed "Tomorrow at school" I smiled "I love you" I leaned in and pecked his lips and he smiled "I love you so much more let me know if everything is okay" I nodded and closed the door sending him an air kiss he caught it and put it on his lips I giggled and ran I side the hospital

I see my dad looking out for me probably and run to him 'Dad!" I yelled and ran into his arms "What happened where's mom is she okay?" he smiled and nodded "Shes perfect come here we have to show you something" he held my hand and led me inside a dark room

My mom lied in bed with her stomach out "Are you--" she nodded and smiled "Oh my god!" I jumped up and down "Look over here Ms Ariana" the doctor smiled pointing at the screen

"TWINS!!!?" My mouth turned into a 'o' and then a wide smiled "I'm so happy congratulations mommy!" I hugged her and she smiled and then I hugged my dad

"I'm so excited !" I smiled "So are we !" my dad put his hand on my shoulder and I smiled

Everything seemed perfect super perfect right now

Alex POV

I sighed and sat down on the couch my dad's house was hell he was never here ever I was always alone doing whatever the fuck I want sounds cool but there's nothing to do here at all its boring af

I watched tv as usual and sighed thinking about how much I missed home and my bed and Ariana and school and Kylie I missed the bay so much LA literally was boring not how they made it seem

I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but it wasn't working so I decided to go for a walk and see what I find around here

I walked down the street and across the street was a nice looking Laguna I walked over there and walked to the bench there was a couple sitting there I sighed but still walked closer they both looked up at me "Hi" the girl smiled she was really pretty (She's Andrea Russett🌚)

Her boyfriend kind of mugged me (Kian #Kiandrea❤️) "Sup" "Uh hi" I waved a little "Are you new here?" she smiled and I nodded "I was sent to my dads and yeah I'm originally from the bay area" I nodded and she smiled "Well I'm Andrea and this is my boyfriend Kian" she smiled sticking her hand out and I then shook it

"Well we have to go" Kian stood up "No we don't we just got here" "Well I want to leave" "Okay well I don't" she furrowed her eyebrows and he rolled him eyes "Let's fucking go"

Whoa don't ever disrespect a woman I stepped right in like it was my job "She said she doesn't want to go" "Ebos business is that yours? No its fucking not so scatter along" "Kian!" "No its fine" I scoffed "Is that the best comeback you got?" he stayed quiet "Oh yeah forgot your not from the bay I'll straight gas on you little boy stay your ass away from me and don't ever disrespect a female in your entire life"

"I'll see you when I see you" he raised his eyebrow walked away "Oh my god thank you so much for that!" she smiled hugging me I smiled and rubbed her back "No problem I grew up kinda roughly with woman abuse so it's a real sensitive subject for me" I kinda smiled and she nodded "Its fine so did I" she smiled "Really?" she nodded and so did I "Do you wanna go get something to eat?" "Sure" I nodded and we walked to a nearby restaurant

We got seated and ordered our food "So what's going on why are you in LA why did you get sent here?" "Long story" "Oh come on you can't lea e me hanging like that come on tell me you can trust me !" I chuckled and nodded

"I snuck out and took my mom's car is all" I sighed and she giggled "Wow what a bad ass" "Are you joking or-" "No I'm being serious" she smiled and I nodded laughing I think I could get along with her

Sylvia POV

Fucking twins I'm having fucking twins I cannot believe this I was super duper fucking excited once we walked out of the hospital I jumped into Myles arms "Another little family is gonna be formed baby" he whispered and I smiled I felt a tear roll down my cheek he wiped it and lightly pecked my lips

Once we got home we went directly into bed and cuddled up "I'm so glad your the one I chose to live the rest of my life with" I smiled as I rubbed Myles stomach from under his shirt "I know I'm a lucky as mother-" "Myles" I giggled and so did he "I love you so much" "I love you more" I smiled "Twins" I kept saying "Twins, we have to search for baby names !" "baby we don't know what they are yet" "We can look for both" I smiled he yawned and I felt his heart beat I smiled "Myles you mean the world to me and thank you for being such an amazing husband and father" I reached up and pecked his lips he smiled

"You're acting so pregnant right now" he chucked "What!?" "You never want to talk all romantic sometimes you just ignore it" "oh stop being a baby and love me" I smiled and he chuckled wrapping me up in his arms and putting the blanket over us I'm in love with Myles Blake Parrish ❤️❤️❤️

A/N : Sorry its kind of short but I have finals bare with me I'm so tired 😴Sylvia is having twins 😭🙏yasssssss I'm excited

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