Possession 5

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The hallway they walked down was dark, the light overhead dim from the old bulbs. Tsuna looked out the window; nighttime covered the abandoned parking lot, the lights outside flickering off and on. I wonder if Reborn noticed that we haven’t come home. We couldn’t have gone that far from Namimori, could we? It was daylight when they attacked and daylight when we woke up…Tsuna thought keeping his mind preoccupied so as not to think about what was going to happen. After a while of walking down the creepy hall, they stopped in front of a door with a small window that had wires crisscrossing through it, set in it. One of the guards opened the door and shoved all of them but Tsuna in. One of the bigger men picked up Tsuna, threw him over his shoulder as if he was a sack of flour, and started to carry him down the hall. Tsuna squirmed in his arms but could only use his legs. He tried to kick the man in the face, but the man dodged the foot.

“Let me go!” Tsuna yelled. The men at the door were get pushed back, Tsuna saw Gokudera’s silver hair among the commotion.

“Juudaime!” he yelled across the hall. He was about to run when a fist came smashing down on his head. Gokudera crumbled to the ground. Tsuna starred in horror, his eyes widened and his ribs started to hurt from the man’s tremendous footfalls.

“Gokudera-kun!” Tsuna yelled. “Gokudera!” he yelled again, but it was meant for all of his friends who were being pushed back into the room. The door closed and locked with a clank. Tsuna stared after it. He kept squirming to get out of this man’s arms, but he had a firm on Tsuna’s waist, keeping him from going anywhere. 

When the big man stopped, he dropped Tsuna to the ground.

“Oomph!” Tsuna grunted. He started to crawl away, but the man grabbed his shoulder. He knocked on the door.

“How polite, for a big brute like you,” Tsuna said sarcastically. He felt the grip on his shoulder tighten.

“Ow!” Tsuna grumbled, trying to act calm, but his whole body was shaking. The door opened up to the same man as earlier, who had thrown Tsuna across the pavement. The man’s dark hair curled around his ears and black eyes that looked as if they could kill with a glance. He looked down at Tsuna, who flinched at the quick glance. He moved his head to indicate that he wanted Tsuna inside the room. When did he get here? I thought he was walking in the hall with us, Tsuna thought while being pushed into the room. The door closed behind him. It was just Tsuna and the man.

“Who are you?” Tsuna said, breaking the silence in the room.

“Call me… Skylar,” he said as if he were picking a name.

“Well, what do you want with us, Skylar?” Tsuna said a bit sarcastically, expecting the usual monolog from the villain. 

“I originally just wanted you to destroy the other mafia families. But your friends decided to prove to be somewhat of a problem,” he said spreading his hands and shrugging. “But it was easier to catch you than I thought. Other people said you were intimidating and powerful, and I believe that you are. But I really thought it would have been harder to catch you.” This sounds exactly like Mukuro’s plan, Tsuna thought.

“What, go after other mafias? How, and why with me?” Tsuna asked, the room growing eerily dark.

“Tell me, young Vongola.” He paused, a sly grin playing across his lips. “Do you trust the shadows?” he said and disappeared. Tsuna gasped. What just happened, he thought worriedly. 

“Do you believe that the shadows that lurk all around you aren’t alive?” Skylar’s voice echoed all around him. Shadows started crawling from the dark corners, approaching Tsuna like long fingers, sliding across the floor and walls. He began to move backwards, away from the advancing shadows.

“What is this?” he yelled, his heart ramming against his ribs, fear overwhelming him. “It’s like they have a life of their own!” A low, evil laugh rose up around him. The shadows started to form a person.

“Is that Skylar?” Tsuna thought aloud. Is he a shadow person or something? He thought, this time in his head.

                “That’s right,” the shadow figure said. “All I want is for you to get in touch…” he paused, “WITH YOUR EVIL SIDE!” He shouted and a sadistic grin appeared on the shadow’s face. The tendrils of shadows shot out at Tsuna, engulfing him in a black haze.

“AAHH!” he shrieked. His mind felt like it was going to explode. Everything he knew seemed to melt away, his mind being taken over by a familiar presence. He clawed at his face and fell to his knees. He fought the evil that was invading his mind. Then he realized. It was not just any evil; it was his evil. Images of his friends and family flashed before him, all the good he knew seemed to be smeared with darkness now.

“I’m sorry,” he managed to say before the darkness overpowered everything.

The other shadows moved away from him, as if the very force emitting from Tsuna intimidated them, but it was no longer the old Tsuna: it was Tsuna’s darkness, which had been clawing to get out. He rose to his feet and opened his eyes. The once-chocolate brown eyes, which were once filled with love and compassion, were replaced with pitch-black irises that contained ruthlessness and dark desires.

“It worked,” Skylar, whispered in a low voice, appearing in human form again. Tsuna turned around to face Skylar; a bright fire erupted around him. He stretched out his hand; palm-facing Skylar, flames flowed up around his arm and off his palm, hitting Skylar in the chest and sending him flying across the room. He scrambled up against the wall, suddenly afraid of what was standing before him. He just used his Deathperation flames, without his ring! He thought. Tsuna walked towards the door, his shoulders back, and flames at his palm, ready to kill anyone in his way. He walked out the door. It thumped closed behind him.

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