Saving Grace

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  • Dedicated to anyone who yelled at me to finish this damn thing

AN: so i finally finished with this story. I've been working on it since, like, freshman year? I think. i wasn't going to finish it actually; i had given up on it. until you guys said you wanted more, that makes me feel happy thanks XD  oh and i have a little present for you guys, later, when you've finished reading this chapter. 


                 “Reborn, what do you mean?” Ryohei blurted out. Out of all the shouting in the room, Hibari and Mukuro were the only silent ones.

                “I have a plan, means, I have a plan.” Reborn said calmly but sarcastically.

                “But how?” Gokudera said half-incredulously. Reborn jumped onto the Pillow Tsuna’s head rested on.

                “He has to fight it, that thing in his head.” The others stood silently, starring at Reborn and Tsuna, “and he can’t do that without power.” Mukuro smirked.

                “What’s you plan Arcoboleno,” he said sounding suspicious, but amused. Reborn visibly hesitated a moment, he looked down at Tsuna sadly.

“He has to absorb your flames, from all of you; not all of them though, just enough to give him strength.” He spoke, and as he looked at their faces, he saw the gears begin to turn in their heads.

“What about the Cow?” Gokudera said a bit resentfully. Lambo was the lightning guardian, and he had left with the girls, leaving them one guardian short.

“It should be fine without him,” Reborn said, “Tsuna needs the strongest flames he can get, and while Lambo’s flames are strong, the kid wouldn’t last long with how much flame you guys need to give Tsuna.”

“So it’s kind of like Zero-Point Breakthrough?” Gokudera said. Reborn nodded.

“Yes, only because he’s so weak, he doesn’t have to use the hand position, the flames will absorb into his body themselves…” Reborn said but sounded like he was hardly convincing himself.

But…” Mukuro said, sensing something more to the problem. Reborn sighed.

“But…I don’t know what the side effects are; taking in that many Deathperation flames… it could kill him.” Gokudera’s eyes widened, he took a staggering step backwards, as if he’d lost his balance

“Then there has to de another way!” he moaned. Mukuro laughed again at the bedlam of the hospital room.

“Yeah, you could always let the creature take over,” he grinned ear to ear. “Then maybe I can use him, get him on my side.” He said, he knew it was enraging Gokudera the most, which served to make it more fun for him.

“Can’t I just heal him with my sun flames?” Ryohei said, choosing to ignore the mist guardian.

“That would only heal his external wounds, not his mind, and the creature.” Reborn said.

“Yeah, but that’s something. At least he won’t die of the wounds we gave him.” Ryohei said.

“We are in the middle of a hospital, don’t you think the doctors would notice if a boy on the edge of death, were miraculously healed?” Mukuro commented. Ryohei wavered slightly. There was silence in the room for a moment.

“So how do we do this?” Yamamoto asked. Reborn looked up at him gratefully.

“You have to light your ring with a strong resolve,” he said talking to everyone, “and stand around Tsuna, you need to get close. That should work.” Reborn said hesitantly.

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