chp 9. Pain

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  • Dedicated to the people who pretty much forced me to start writing this again

AN: ok so just a warning for you guys, some parts of this chapter aren't really in chronological order. they switch points of veiw, and before or after the part that  follows..if that makes any logical sense what-so-ever...


                    Tsuna felt like he had been run over by a semi-truck. His entire mind was blank, the most he could comprehend was blurry images, they weren’t even images, not really, and they were more like smudge of paint on a black paper. He thought he was in a dream, and he was the only sane thing in this dark and dismal place, the only thing still clinging to reality.

                “What’s going on?” his voice came out like a slowed down video, the words blurred together and echoed around him. Part of him felt like he was actually looking at the inside of his own mind, but he quickly wrote it off as insane. He took a step forward, and for a split second, he thought he was going to fall. Then he realized he was still standing, even though there was nothing beneath him but open air. He looked at his feet and beyond at the abyss like darkness below. Suddenly he heard a laugh and looked up to find a Cheshire Cat- like grin stretching before him. It floated in front of him and was an eerie ivory color against the dark. Tsuna shivered and took a step back, he would have felt better if it had eyes, but it was just a toothy grin that looked like it was about to bite his head off. Then it spoke, words came out of its mouth, but its lips moved slowly.

                “You…I will never let you leave…” it ground out slowly.

                The two had just reached the end of the block when they saw the building, engulfed in flames. Part of it had already collapsed, and the fire was creeping up the exposed walls. Only the far right side of the building remained intact. There was a crashing sound and a crack began to split across the red-ish orange bricks. They wall they were facing fell inward with a cloud of dust that forced them to shield their eyes. Faintly, they could hear screaming from inside, even from this distance. Reborn and Irie looked at each other dubiously.

“I take it that we go that way.” Irie muttered with unintentional sarcasm.

Gokudera’s lungs burned from inhaling too much, he coughed heavily, and then glanced over at the others. Yamamoto was shielding his teary eyes with one hand, and his mouth and nose with the other. Ryohei’s eyes were pinched tightly shut; he held his shattered shoulder with his good hand. Gokudera coughed as he peeled off his bloodied jacket and draped it over Tuna as pathetic excuse for a shield.

“We have to get out of here!” he rasped. He hauled Tsuna onto his back, and nearly fell over in the process, pain shot through his hip and up to his chest. Ryohei and Yamamoto had not noticed, Gokudera shifted and began to walk to the crumbled wall. The Rain and Sun guardian followed. The pile was tall, and difficult to climb; Gokudera had struggled up to the top of it and when he was about to step to slide down the other side his entire leg gave out, as if someone had kicked him in the back of the knee. He and Tsuna lunged forward and started to fall down the incline. Yamamoto cursed and dove after them. He grabbed hold of Gokudera’s hand and franticly snatched at rocks that could stop their fall, he caught hold of one, but the sudden stop threw Tsuna from Gokudera’s shoulders. He grabbed for Tsuna, his hand narrowly missed Tsuna’s. Yamamoto grunted at the weight of holding the three of them up, the rock began to cut into his skin.

“Anytime now Turf Top…” Gokudera ground out. The sun guardian jumped and slid down the rocks, he pulled Tsuna from Gokudera’s grasp and held him as if he was hugging him as they slid down to the solid ground. Gokudera and Yamamoto followed shortly after, more tumbling then sliding.

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