Heart Ache - 8

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The boys looked down at Tsuna wit h worried gazes. Tsuna eyes flew open wit a gasp. A jet black eye with a piercing presence starred at them, while the other gazed at them with a soft chocolate tint, full of joy and happiness. They looked out into the world, looking at the friends that surrounded Tsuna. Gokudera, Ryohei and Yamamoto crossed from worried to confused as the one chocolate eye slowly turned the piercing black, like spider legs crawling across his iris. The once arrogant and greedy presence that had consumed Tsuna before was now overshadowed by a powerful feeling of wrath. The boys backed away as Tsuna bolted up and lashed out with his darkly tainted flames which were teetering on the edge of being scarlet red. A deadly shot roared towards Ryohei.

                Ryohei jumped away just as the flames sizzled passed him, scorching the edge of his gray shirt, and setting the chalky air around him ablaze. He choked as he attempted to inhale a breath of clean air. He looked around him; the whole right side of the building was on fire burning intensely with Tsuna’s scarlet flame. His eyes widened at the disaster happening around him. The sun guardian starred at the fiery wall as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end with the feeling of growing wrath approaching him.

                Tsuna came barreling out of the flames that had been set around them. His feet looked as if they were not touching the ground. The sun guardian ran, only getting a few feet before tripping over fallen rubble, he glanced over his trembling shoulder. Tsuna’s contorted face was one of pure rage and fury, his eyes were narrowed, and his brow was furrowed, he snarled like a feral wolf.

              “Shit!” Ryohei yelled with concern filling his voice. He had just gotten his footing when Tsuna rammed into him. His feet lifted off the ground for a brief second before he hit the ground, slamming his shoulder into the hard cement and all his weight adding to the collision. 

“Grahh!” He yelled in agonizing pain. He sat up only to feel the pain surge through his entire body.

                “Turf top!” Gokudera yelled genuinely worried. They both looked at Tsuna.

                “I’m fine!” Ryohei yelled with a pained grunt. Tsuna was on his knees again, clutching his head with a look of utter pain on his face, tears streaming down his face.

                “I can’t take this.” He whispered gaining control of his mind for an unknown period of time.

                “It feels like my head is going to explode!” a shudder passed through his body.

                “Somebody! Anybody, please…help me.” He collapsed onto his back, trembling.

Irie ran down the street, his breath puffing out in front of them in white clouds. Reborn perched on his shoulder.

“Reborn-san” Irie sighed, “I don’t think we can find them …,” he said very pessimistically. In a harsh response, Reborn kicked him in the face, Irie halted his running, and Reborn jumped off his shoulder.

“What was that for?”

“Don’t think I can’t my find own student when he’s in danger!” Reborn grumbled. They stood on the outskirts of their hometown, Namimori. The soft moon lit their way along the trash littered street. Irie sighed and took off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration and thought. Spouting the first thing that popped into his mid he said

“If anyone wanted kidnap them they’d probably take them to an empty Factory or building.” They both thought for a moment. Reborn straightened with a start.

“There’s an abandoned building to the east of here, only a couple of blocks.” Reborn said with a hint of hope in his tone. Shouichi and Reborn started down the dark street once more in pursuit of the young Vongolas. 

Gokudera and Yamamoto walked cautiously towards Tsuna. Once he realized that he could approach Ryohei ran up next to the other guardians.

“No, please don’t come any closer…” Tsuna yelled weakly his hand trembling as he held it out to stop his friends. Gokudera gazed hopelessly down at him. Tsuna’s wounds bleed heavily; his shoulder was slack from the deep gash in his shoulder. 

“Juudaime…” Gokudera’s voice quivered with worry. He took a step forward.

“Just don’t…please, I don’t want to hurt you guys anymore.” Tsuna said sounding like he was drifting between sleep and not. He opened his eyes more and looked at his friends. He assessed the damage he did to his friends. Gokudera held his side with a grimace on his face as he held pressure to it. Ryohei held his arm lightly so not as to cause more pain. Yamamoto was the only one who seemed to have scratches. As Tsuna thought about the good times, he had with his friends a creeping feeling held fast in the back of his mind. Soon he started thinking of the horrible things that happened to him as well. Unintentionally, like the enemy in his head wanted him to see them. He shook his head at an attempt to get rid of them, but they only grew more intense. Among the images a cruel face appeared.

“You dare to try and regain control.” It said. Tsuna looked at his friends more; they didn’t seem to here it.

“You will never gain control again.” It said forcefully. An electric current erupted through Tsuna’s body. The guardians around him saw the current run through his body, as if he had suddenly stuck his finger in a light socket. Bewildered the three rushed closer to him as he shook and trembled on the ground before them. When the current stopped, Tsuna was eerily still and his eyes slowly slid shut. Gokudera immediately started to freak out.

“JUUDAIME!” he shouted right into Tsuna’s pale face. “No, Juudaime, don’t die on me. Don’t die on the family!” he said. Yamamoto lightly tapped his shoulder and Gokudera looked up at him with tears in his eyes. When Yamamoto pointed to the Vongolas chest, he calmed a bit. Tsuna’s chest was lightly rising and falling with small ragged breaths. As the three of them looked him over, they realized that they caused a portion of Tsunas pain. The gashes that Uri did stretched over his chest and face, the gash of Yamamoto’s blade and the cut on his forehead from when Gokudera threw him into the wall. They had done more damage to him than he had to them.

                “We did this to him…” Gokudera said with utter sadness in his voice. 

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