alternate ending

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AN: ok so this ending, really has absolutly nothing to do with the whole story. the sotry behind this and how the actaul story got started is this. 

a friend on ask me to write the next chapter for her short story, or just give her sometihng for inspration or sometihng, i can't remember. so i wrote this, i wasn't going to do anyitnhg with it, but a then a story started unraveling in my head and i couldn't not write it. so it started out like it was going to lead to this colclusion, and then by the 4th or 5th chapter my brain decided to take a dramatic turn away from this storyline and go somewhere else completely. thus Tsuna's Possession was created. 

now here's the alternate ending (warning grammar may be terrible): 

“Man I hope he doesn’t give us a scare and fall from the sky this time,” the storm guardian said. Just then the enemy dashed forward unafraid of Tsuna’s newfound ability. He lifted his sword and aimed at Tsuna’s chest, he swung the sword and came ten inches from the spot on Tsuna’s chest in which he targeted, when the sword suddenly stopped in mid-motion. The man glanced down the blade. The Vongola had his palm to the tip of the sword; it hadn’t even penetrated through the x-glove. Starring in shock, he eased up on the sword.

“Bad move” Tsuna said and raised the new doubled edged sword made of flames with his other hand and slashed down. The flames engulfed the sword melting it clean off the hilt in which it sat. The man’s mouth hung open.

“…impossible…” he said almost like a whisper.

“What? Me melting your sword or your defeat” Tsuna said through gritted teeth.

“Way to go Juudaime!” Gokudera exclaimed.

“Wow Tsuna!” Yamamoto said. Both were staring up at the Vongola and opponent who were perched in the sky, floating on their Deathperation flames. The man bowed his head his teeth gritting and shoulders heaving with rage.

“RAAAHHH!” he shouted with a burst of furry. The ground began to tremble. Down below Gokudera and Yamamoto were losing their balance. What was this force? Was it coming from that man? 

“J-Juudaime!” Gokudera cried as a crack in the earth began to form. The low rumbling grew louder.

“What’s happening?” Yamamoto shouted. Reborn jumped on his shoulder.

“Even I don’t know yet” he said “probably him” he pointed at the bulky man before Tsuna. Tsuna put on a serious face and got into X-burner stance. The flame wings flapping to keep him aloft.

“X-burner” he said

“Roger that boss” the voice said and a pause “unable to start systems, systems are down”

“What?” he said. Had spanners high tech contacts failed to comply?

“Tch- forget it,” he said aiming for the unguided flames to hit the man. “I hope this works,” he thought. A low chuckling arose over the rumbling.

“YA HAHAHAHAH” “huhu, you really think that’ll work?” it was the enemy. Everyone who was staring at Tsuna glanced over to him. A sadistic smile splayed across his face, eyes wide and psychotic. A giant rock detached it’s self from the ground and began levitating beside the man. 

“How are you doing that?” Tsuna growled with anger.

“Magic Sunny boy, magic” he said with a sarcastic tone. Sunny boy? Magic? Tsuna thought.

“If you love you precious friends so much, save them from this,” an evil twinkle in his eye sparked. Before Tsuna could fire the X-burner, the rock hurled past him, straight for his family below. “I won’t make it!” the thought screamed through his head. He let out a ragged gasp and out stretched his arm, as if he could reach for them from this distance and pull them to safety. A look of fear crossed his face.

The rock hurled down at them. Gokudera and Yamamoto paralyzed with fear. The shadow of the rock cast over them and the last thing Gokudera heard was his beloved Juudaime crying “NOOO!” Hand out stretched at them.

 “Juudaime…” Gokudera whispered. The rock crashed down on them. Silence hung in the air. Tsuna touched down next to the rock, out of HDW mode. Eyes wide and quivering he put his hand to the rock.

“Gokudera-kun?” He said in a soft voice. No answer.

“Yamamoto!” Slightly louder. No answer again. Tears started to flow from the brunette’s chocolate colored eyes.

“Reborn?” the tears flowing steadily now plopped down on the boulder.


“ANSWER ME DAMN IT!” he collapsed to his knees, pounding clenched fists against the rock.

“No” “they can’t be dead yet”

“They’re not supposed to die,” just then as if on que a heavy rain started to pour down. Drenching Tsuna from head to toe. 

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