Deception 7

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 The young Vongolas ran down the hall, searching every hall and door. Their breathing grew heavier the longer they ran around. 

“Tsuna, we’ve been at this for at least 20 minutes,” Yamamoto said. Tsuna looked at him as if in disbelief.

“You wanna leave your rings here?” he said with a slight force.

“Well no…”

“Besides Skylar is still here and he’s not human…he’s a shadow person,” Tsuna said with a dramatic edge in his voice.

“A what?” Gokudera yelled. Tsuna stopped running with a sudden halt, causing them all to collide into each other. He let out a heavy sigh and said,

“A shadow person, a man (or women) who can control and become the shadows around us, but he still has to retain a human form for most of the time” his voice was filled with sarcasium and a hint of how-could-you-not-know. Ryohei raised an eyebrow at the change in Tsuna’s attitude and personality. He seems more arrogant than usual. Ryohei thought.

“How’d you know that?” he said with a suspicious tone. Tsuna just shrugged as if it were obvious, walked down the hall, and turned a corner. The others followed him in confusion. When they turned the corner, they saw Tsuna gaping at a set of double doors. The doors were etched with an elegant pattern of vines that wove over the solid mahogany wood. What is that kind of fancy thing doing in a dump like this? Gokudera thought.

“Now that looks promising,” Ryohei said as he took a step closer to the door, examining a lock on the handle.

               “How do we get in, It’s locked?” He said. As Tsuna passed by, Yamamoto heard him mumble under his breath.

“No need to state the obvious” then caught another glimpse of the black eyes. Yamamoto stared after him in surprise. When did he become so arrogant? Yamamoto thought.

“Easy.” Tsuna said as he stuck out his hand, a small flame burst from his palm blowing the lock off, the flame on his forehead flicked out.

“WOAH!” Gokudera shouted, “He just used his deathperation flames without his gloves!” Yamamoto shot Tsuna a surprised look.

“Wait, if he doesn’t have his gloves he didn’t use his ring.” Yamamoto furrowed his brow. Ryohei and Gokudera looked at Tsuna suspiciously.

“How can you use deathperation flames without your ring?” Gokudera said. Tsuna looked from side to side, as if he were uneasy.

“Um…new power” he shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged forcing a fake smile, as he let out an exasperated sigh and lowered his head.

“Might as well cut the crap” Tsuna raised his head revealing a sadistic smile, wide black eyes with greed and pride lurking in them. The boys froze with terror as the room was enveloped in shadows. Figures formed from the darkness and mimicked Tsuna’s wicked smile. Tsuna reached behind and opened the double doors to a wide-open area that had a cement floor and half caved in roof. The dark figures pushed the boys through the doors and out onto the cement floor. As Tsuna waltzed in the figures placed something in each of his hands. The doors closed behind him and the smile on his face faded as he tossed something at each of the boys that gleamed when the light hit it. Their rings fell down in between their feet, followed by their box weapons.

“We wouldn’t want this to be an unfair fight now would we?” arrogance consumed Tsuna’s voice and a quick smile slid across his lips.

“Who are you?” Yamamoto said sternly.

“Am different to you?” Tsuna said with sarcasium.


“Pft! AHAHA, OH, HE WISHES! He has been trying to get to me forever now. Sadly, no, I am not Mukuro. I am still Tsuna”

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