Teary sun guardian 6

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Gokudera sat up from his unconsciousness. What happened? He thought, but he already knew what had happened. He rubbed his hand over the sore spot on his head. Yamamoto and Ryohei stared back at him; the looks on their faces were a mix of both concern and fear.

“How long have I been out?” he groaned. Yamamoto looked at his shoes. What’s with the sudden shyness? Gokudera thought.

“About 5 minutes.”

“Really? It felt like eternity.” Gokudera said “anything happen yet?” Yamamoto looked up and sighed.

“No, not yet.” Gokudera looked over at Ryohei. He was gazing down at his shoes as if he were examining the tiny specks of dirt on them. He was completely silent except for the presence of his light breathing. Gokudera nodded over in his direction to Yamamoto, who shrugged.

“He’s been silent ever since we got here.” Ryohei didn’t acknowledge that the others were talking about him. Ryohei was to busy silently freaking out. What is happening? I can’t believe this! What happened to Tsuna? This is my all fault! If I hadn’t protected them, better this wouldn’t have happened! I’m so stupid! I never think things through…I don’t deserve to be a guardian. Ryohei thought to himself just as they were all blaming themselves for this whole ordeal. Yamamoto looked over at Ryohei and noticed something that was rare for him; he was starting to shake. I’m the rain guardian I should do something about this. He stood up, and sat next to onii-chan. He put on his classic baseball-nut act. A smile stretched across his face and he laughed aloud, this got Ryohei and Gokudera to look up and see the sudden cheeriness in the room.

“Ahaha, isn’t this a fun game you guys? I wonder what’ll happen next!” he nudged Ryohei with his elbow. Both Ryohei and Gokudera shot up at the same time.

“What is wrong with you?” they said in unison, they looked at each other, and Ryohei said,

“We don’t know what’s happening. Tsuna’s been taken somewhere that we can’t help him and we’re stuck in this god forsaken hole, sitting here moping and doing nothing, because we can’t do anything. Why? Because were weak.” Ryohei’s face reddened with frustration “We are weak compared to Tsuna. All those big battles that we won, they were won because Tsuna was able to take down the main person, or he got rid of them all in one strike. We’ve done our part in helping, but we were hurt so bad while going through the small battles we couldn’t do anything for him when Tsuna really needed us. We’re nothing compared to Tsuna.” He sat back down on the bench and put his hands over his face. Yamamoto’s eyes saddened as he realized how much this was affecting everyone. This is the first time I have ever seen Ryohei cry… Yamamoto thought. The room was silent; the light that shone above them flickered. A scream echoed through the building, sending a cold chill down the boys’ backs.

“What was that?” Ryohei said looking up from his hands. Trails of dirt showed on his face were the tears had cleared away the grim.

“Please don’t let that be Juudaime!” Gokudera said. A few minutes later, explosions from the floor above covered the screams. They were listening to the shrieks of terrified men. Gokudera sat on one of the benches looking like he was staring off into space, his eyes wide with fear. He fiddled with his jacket zipper to occupy his thoughts. Yamamoto and Ryohei were standing by the door with their backs to the wall listening intently as the loud sounds grew closer and closer to them. The light on the ceiling shattered when a tremendous boom shook the room. The sound of a door being blasted off its hinges and smashing against the far wall startled all of them. Unsure who or what was coming all of them backed away form the door a look of caution on their faces. A bright light shone through the small window set in the door, followed by a few little girl squeals from the men who guarded the door. The boys looked at each with the kind of look that read what-the-hell-is-going-on. As the door squealed open, Tsuna walked into the room with a couple of stray deathperation flames clinging to his clothes. Gokudera stiffened at first but then leaped forward to embrace Tsuna, the others followed pursuit. Tsuna staggered backwards as his knees were about to give out under the weight of three teenage boys.

“Ah! Are you guys ok?” Tsuna said with a worried face.

“Are we ok? We’re fine! What about you? You’re the one they took.” Gokudera said.

“Yeah! How did you get away from them?” Ryohei asked. A forced smile appeared on Tsuna’s face.

“I found my ring in that guy’s room and I found out that his name is Skylar. I grabbed it before he could notice and then I knocked him out” he shoved his hands in his pockets as if he were hiding something. The boys just starred at him.

“Come on” Tsuna waved his hand at the door, “we gotta find your rings.” As he turned around Yamamoto caught a glimpse black eyes not Tsuna’s normal brown eyes. Tsuna ran out the door and down the hall from where he came his family trudging behind him.

Tsuna narrowed his eyes and smiled with a sneer. His low chuckle vibrated through is chest. Under his breath, he mumbled a single word.


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