chapter 7: Fight or Care?❤️

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Hello, Friends! Take love❤️. And I'm really sorry for late. I don't think I can continue like before. Because it's quite stressful for me to continue both. When I will get time, I'll try to publish new chapter.

Tahoy's pov.

Last night I took the night shift. A thing is bothering me. Well.... After finishing my night shift, I went to hotel room to be fresh. And yeah... I skip my yoga. I took a little breakfast. Actually, it's not worthy to call breakfast. I just had coffee. If you guys dissect me, you will find only coffee in my body. Immediately I go to the hospital again for my regular duty.

I'm in lobby. I feel a hand in my shoulder. I turn back. It's Xavira. She is smiling by showing all her teeth. She is always cheerful.

"Wow. You look refreshing. Didn't you take night shift, yesterday?" She looks surprised.

"You don't need to Insult me. I know how I look. Night shift is terrific." I say it in a gloomy way.

"No, babe. You are really looking cute!"

"Aww, is it?" Xavira nodes as answer.

"Then I can give advise to do night shift as secret of my beauty!"

"You should try." She said it my ears.
We both are giggling at our conversation.

"Anyway, how is your duty going?" I ask her.

"As usual but a li'll stressful here."

"Me too. Well... Best of luck for today."

"Same to you. And, don't forget to take rest." Here comes our Xavira Mom.

"You guys are childish. We are doctor! Our first duty is to treat patient."

"You won't listen, T!" She shakes her head disappointedly and going towards her cabin.

At lunch break...

I finished my appointment. Now, I have ward duty and a Operation to perform.

"Ahh...." I release a big sigh of relief.

It's been a busy day. I go to find them in cafeteria.

They wave their hand in air. I also wave to them. I order sub sandwich for me.

"Hi guys! What's up?" I ask them.

"Nothing much." Joy tells.

"What about you?" Axel asks.

"I'm perfectly alright."

"You are super energetic!" Dani gives compliment.

"Guys! I can't believe we are working here for 5 days. And the day after tomorrow is holiday." Axel says it excitedly.

By the name of holiday, idea of looking forward for apartment crosses my mind.

"What are you doing at weekend?" Xavira asks.

"I don't have any plan. If you guys have then I'm in." Axel tells.

"Let's go to shopping!" Dani jumped with her idea and our table displace a little. Joy and Xavira grab the table.

"Take it easy, girl. You will hurt yourself." Joy looked concerned.

"But I'm planning to sleep all day long."

"You need it. But I'll say you are wasting your precious time. You should come with us and have fun in crazy Australian night." She says it in a dramatic way as if I don't have fun in night there will be a great change!

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