Chapter -13:

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Fayad's pov.

Bacteria is very bad. She doesn't cook for me. So, I have to rely on fast food.
But I don't like it. It doesn't fair.

"Assalamualaikum Ammi."

"Walaikum assalam, son."

"Ammi, isn't Bangladeshi girl all are so kind, grateful, well-mannered?"

"Yes, all aren't same but they almost are. But why are you asking me? Are you seeing someone?" I can see her glistening eye in my head.

"No, no, Ammi. You are mistaking. I'm hanging up."

"But, Fayad, listen first."

"Ammi I have a very important meeting. I'll call you later, ok? Bye."

On the other hand of phone his mom while hanging off the phone: "He always avoid me in this case. What's wrong with him?"

Fayad! How? Literally how?

I'm seating all alone in my room this afternoon as I have less work. So, is bacteria. I think she is making something.

Let's peek, fayad!

In the kitchen, it's all calm. Looks like she isn't here. Utensils are well-cleaned. I think she is little clean freak. There's a proverb calls "A good doctor is like a detective".

I'm on self mission named "finding-out-what-bacteria-cooked".

Go on Fayad!!

I can see a utensil on induction. Slowly I pull out the leed.
And my eyes are blocked. I can't see anything but that. It's all milky white, on the top there's badaam, kismis and cherry, it's been so years I'm craving for. Finally, it's before my eyes. I feel very nostalgic. Tears drops from my eyes. But I can't touch it. It's shame on me. I shouldn't offered her to stay with me. Actually, it's not " offered". It should be " forced"; kinda.

She has made more of it. Quickly I find a bowl. And poured some of it. And I hear the crack sound of opening the door. It's mild. So, means, she has exit from bathroom.

Red alert, Fayad!

All I can believe on my leg. Putting that leed in silence quickly. I drag myself out of the kitchen.

Closing the door of my room, I take some breath.

Payesh.... Here I'm coming.

I finished it within minutes. But it's not enough. I'm craving to have more.

[ Fayad: Author, can you give me more?
Author: you want to have more?
Fayad: of course. It's so yummy.
Author: But what will I get?
Fayad: author, plz plz. Okay I can give you a secret.
Author: I'll give you one more bowl of it. Promise.
Fayad: actually, I think I have fallen for her at first sight. But it wasn't the appropriate situation. Oh gross! (He is little shy)]

I hear bacteria is calling for me.

Oh! No. Bowl... You have to hide.

I place it below the bed.

"Yes, do you need anything?" I respond.

"Not really. It's for you." It's another bowl of payesh.


"Huh?" She frowned her brows.

"Payesh for me?"

" Hm."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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