chapter 10: Stressed?

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Tahoy's pov.

I tried to escape but alas! I fail. He approach to me with a gun in his hand. Naturally my eye become widened. I was terrified. With horror I close my eyes. A sound of gunshot hit my tympanic membrane.

2 days ago....

Tahoy's pov.

Nowadays, things are not going easily. We are desperate to find evidence for Fayad's innocence. Though we have contradiction, we filed a case in police station. Fayad has already suspended for 1 week for his trial. We are working together as far as possible for us. The patient is still alive with life support. After finishing my work at ward I notice Dr. Aswin at back corridor. He was talking with someone angrily. He mentioned Dr. Matt.

That's a jackpot!

That's means Dr. Matt isn't alone. I decide to tell this matter at evening meeting. Everyday we had to report to Dr. Shawn. He is our leader to "Mission proving Fayad innocent".

At evening...

"So, what's the today's finding?" Asked Dr. Shawn.

"We have looked into CCTV footage. That patient didn't directly talk with Dr. Matt but with Dr. Aswin." Says Axel.

I told them what I saw today.
"They are united indeed." Dr Shawn speaks."We have to lure them out."

"I have an idea!" Exclaimed Shawn.

" Do as I say."

Looks like Dr. Shawn have some plan in his mind.

In the next morning we means..
Dr. Nate, Dr. Ramisha, Joy and me are gathering in corridor. We are waiting for Dr. Matt. As soon as Joy see Dr.Matt is coming he started to say

" We will bring out the truth. And Dr. Matt is going to rot in jail. We have enough evidence. We will submit tomorrow."

" Yeah, I'm also ready. I will give testimony." I say.

" Very good. Well done doctors! "Says Dr. Ramisha.

We are talking at a low pitch but sure enough to make listen Dr.Matt.
Planning is ready. But I don't know why my sixth sense giving me bad signal. I decide to ignore it. I am along the path to CCU. I heard a familiar voice.

"What are doing here? Aren't you grounded?" I ask him.

"They told me to sign some papers for The following day after tomorrow." Dr. Hussain says it.

"Oh, ok. Please check before signing it."

"Sure."I was turning.

" Dr. Rehman?"

" Yeah?"

" What's your decision?" I understand what is he trying to say.

" I'm afraid that I can't stay there."

" Are you sure?"

" 1000%. Be assured. I'll take care of myself."

I go back to my regular duty. Suddenly I hear warning sound of ambulance. I immediately rush to the spot. Soon I'm being busy with patients.

Shawn's pov.

Recently we are busy with Fayad's case. I want to murder that damn doctor who framed him. What's the enmity with him? Is this because he endures everything by himself? Dr. Matt probably thought if he frame Fayad, he wouldn't fight back. But I'm his Best friend and I'm definitely not giving up. That jerk has to be punished.

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