Killian Wolfe

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Still in the editing process, so bare with me. Imagine Killian as the boy in the picture.
I was in the same position as last year, and the year before that and the year before that. A new high school, a new set of friends, a new set of enemies, same old same old. The only thing that was different was that this would be my last time, it is my senior year and this time next year I'd hopefully be in New York, studying what I love. Music, everywhere I go music was one of the only things that stayed the same. Yes I loved the American top forty as much as the next 17 year old but I also loved something else even more.

Streisand, Sinatra, Cosby, Armstrong, Holiday, Billie Holiday to be exact and the great Etta James.
Etta James was next to Katy Perry on my playlist, my music was diverse but I never let anyone shame me about my taste in music. My favourite song from her was 'At last', I could play it on the piano, it was hopefully going to be my audition song for when I auditioned for Juilliard.

I fell in love with the song at a young age when my mother sang it in the kitchen while making supper. How I missed my mothers cooking, it had been at least 7 years since I had one of her meals. 7 years since I had seen her, she died when I was ten in a fatal car crash, it was an accident when a drunk teenager hit her. I lost my best friend that day, I had been moved around in foster care for 6 years until my grandma found out what had happened and where I was, my grandma was immediately granted custody and I moved in with her.

So here I am, Orlando Florida is going to be my home until Juilliard. Preston is supposed to be a rich person school with the best music program in the state, I never had these opportunities. Once I was in the hands of my grandmother, she spoiled me rotten, trying to get me to like her and connect with her more. It had been 2 months since I had started living with her but I still felt like a stranger in the city when all you have ever known was a 2 bedroom apartment in Long Island with a single mom who would do anything to keep me happy and healthy.

The school was shaped like a castle, hopefully the castle looking school had a good AC because even in the jean skirt and yellow short leaved shirt, I felt so over heated. My messenger style bag was filled with new school supplies and the top of the line gym clothes from Nike.

I pushed the door open to the school and everyone was busy buzzing around with there friends, boyfriends and girlfriends. I went straight to the office to get my locker number and combo, I leaned over the desk and cleared my throat to get the reception ladies attention. "What can I do for ya dear?" Her accent was southern and sweet, "Um, I'm Natalie Cruz, I need my locker and my time table." I mumbled. She nodded and tucked her pencil behind her ear which moved short curly hair.

She handed me a time table and a piece of paper which had my locker combo and the number of my locker, I smiled and thanked her then left. My locker was 2559, there had to be more than 3000 kids in the school. It was huge school, how I was going to find my locker was the next question, I saw a girl with blonde hair and who looked friendly enough. I tapped her in the shoulder and she swung her head in my direction, "Um, sorry to bother you, could you tell me around where this locker could be?" I mumbled. She nodded, "yeah, actually, that's a couple down from mine. I'll show you," she smiled.

She waved goodbye to her friend and leaded me upstairs, "so, what's your name?" She asks. "Natalie," I reply. "I'm Jamison, but most people just call me Jamie." She explained. "So where are you from?"
"Long Island," I mumble. She nods, "Ahh! Cool! My ex is from there," she said trying to find common ground. In no time she showed me to my locker, I got my books for first period which was history. I say in a seat in the middle row 2 seats down, I turned some heads, people were whispering about me. I doesn't bother me, it happens every year, our teacher talked about what we were going to learn this year. He went on about the renaissances time period, he just wouldn't shut up, I didn't care. I just doodled on my binder.

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