Pointing fingers.

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Imagine Natalie as Blake Lively.
"What the hell is your problem Graham!?"
I heard Jamie yell at Graham, "What's up with you?" He asked like he had no idea, Rebecca spent the last 20 minutes yelling at her boyfriend as I sobbed into Jamie's t-shirt in the girls bathroom.

I watched Jamie interrogate Graham, "helping Killian scar Nat!"
"I didn't do shit!" He yelled, "well why did you tell her to go to the music room!?"
"Because Ben told me to pass the news on," he answers. Ben? Who's Ben?

Rebecca shook her head, Jamie walked me down the hall, "so they pushed you in and Killian pulled you down?" Jamie was just trying to wrap her head around it, "yeah, he covered my mouth so I couldn't scream and he wouldn't let me get up. There was also like a mummy, I don't know what it was."

"My god," she rubbed her temples, "That was prop from last years play."
"But that's still weird. So do you want to find Killian and tell him off?"
"No, I just want to get the day over with."
The bell chimed and that meant 3rd period, gym class, joy.

Grabbing my gym bag, I headed to the girls change room, pink jogging shorts and a blue nike top. Our gym teacher Ms. Gulliver, was not someone you classified as slim, she was on the heavy side and wore a hoodie that had the sleeves rolled up. She made us sit in a semi circle. Jamison sitting next to me and Killian on the other side, glaring at me.

One thing I loved about gym class was it meant war between the sexes. Ms. Gulliver paired us off to do stretching, I was paired off with the boy who helped Killian in the music room. We both wouldn't look at each other, after stretching was done we went outside. Everyone groaned at the sight of big role in the middle of the field. It wasn't just a rope though, on each end there was a huge mud puddle, and in the middle was mud too, either way, things were going to get messy.

"Tug of war kids, simple as that, it's boys verses girls, losers have to run the track, 8 laps." Ms. Gulliver explained.
The girls on the left, boys on the right. I picked my spot right at the front and gripped my hands tightly on the rope. Killian, of corse, took the spot opposite me.
He squinted and grinned at me as if he had already one and he was just trying to rub it in my face.

Killian was in a muscle shirt and black shorts, I looked behind me and saw all the girls trying not stare at him, I rolled my eyes. I looked in front, trying not to go up to him and punch him in the face.

On the whistle, we all started pulling, at the first part, boys were winning. I dug my heels into the ground and rapped my hands around the rope twice, I started to pull and it worked. Walking backwards, foot by foot. As I was pulling them over, the girls started giving up, thinking that we had already won, certainly not the case.

In one swift movement, the boys pulled us over the line and I went flying into the mud, my hair was full of mud and my clothes were covered too. All the boys were cheering and laughing, Killian turned around to congratulate his team. Laying in the mud, I suddenly had an idea, I grabbed his ankles and pulled them from under him. He fell face first into the mud, I stood up and everyone started to laugh. "Bitch," he muttered. I high-fived Jamison, she laughed as he got up. His chest and legs and face were all dirt filled and muddy.

"That's it!" He yelled and picked me up in his muddy arms and dropped me into the bigger mud pile. I was almost swimming in mud, he laughed and crossed his arms it. He stuck out his hand to shake mine, "even?" He asked. I smiled like I forgave him, God knows I didn't but I'm a decent liar. I grabbed his hand to shake it and he tried letting go and then I pulled him down with me. He slid and got mud all over his face, laughter filled the air. "Wolfe! Cruz! Principles office now!" Ms Gulliver yelled at us.

She was freaking out over nothing, all we did was just play in the mud. "But Miss, we didn't do anything. You're over reacting," Killian was just going to cause more trouble.
"1) you're talking back to a teacher, 2) I saw you throw Natalie into the mud and she tripped you. You're both causing trouble in my class, principles office! Now!"

I groaned as I got up, he was cursing to himself. "Nice going Cruz," he muttered. My jaw dropped, why was this my fault. "Me? You're the one who through me into the mud!" I was half laughing and half yelling as I walked of the field with Killian. "You're the one who got us into trouble!"

"I did nothing, your just upset about the piano."
"I'm not upset, I pissed off that he just let you play, it took years for me!" He rolled his eyes and flicked off the mud that was starting to dry on his skin.

"That isn't my fault! I didn't ask for that, and you were pretty mean about it. You practically told me that even if I did play piano, I wasn't allowed to because you were top shit and you control everyone." I spat, he shook his head.

"Well if you haven't noticed, that's sort of how it works, I make the shots here. You're just going to have to get used to it."

"Your a douche bag, you know that?" I was so ready just to club him, and let him be unconscious on the grass but I'd get in even more trouble.
"And you're sort of a bitch, Natalie."

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I hadn't known Killian for even a whole school day and I was already sick of him. Into the school and down the hall to the office, I dragged my feet. The principle saw us immediately, he had us stand up so we didn't ruin the furniture. "Who started it?" He asked crossing his arms, I pointed at Killian and vice versa, "let me rephrase this," the principle said.

"Who pushed who into the mud?"
"Killian did!" I interrupted before anyone could get a word in. "No I didn't!"
"Yeah! Tug of war remember?"
"Yeah but that was gym," he started, I glared at him.

"And you were the one who grabbed me, and you were the one who made me face plant in the mud," he was right but God knows I'm not letting him know that.
"And then you threw me over your shoulder and threw me into the mud!" I could feel an argument breaking out, I was so not in the mood for a fight. "Enough!" The principle yelled over the both of us. He combed his thinning hair with his fingers, "2 detentions for both of you, and Killian, please try not to cause as much trouble as last year," he begged like a dog.

"No promises Mr. Kennedy. But why do I have to go to detention when it was her fault?" Was he asking to be slapped? "Because, not only did you cause disruption in the gym class but you talked back to a facility member."

He rolled his eyes, "well I'm not serving detention with her!" I guess I was 'her'. "Yes you are, not only will you be doing detention but Mr. Coleman will make sure you have plenty music projects together." Mr. Kennedy explained while cupping his hands together on the desk. "That's not happening! Especially after what Killian has put me through today!" I yell unintentionally. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth, "and what would that be?"

Killian gave me a look so fowl, it could kill if it wanted too. "Just... Nothing."
"You two shower off and go back to class, and I expect to see you two at detention this afternoon and tomorrow."

I walked out of the room, more pissed than when I walked in, if that was even possible. Killian followed me. "You're such a bitch!" He yelled at me, I turned around scowled, "you know, I could walk in there and tell him what you did to me in the music room."

"But you wouldn't, you'd look like a liar."

"No I wouldn't, I'd just look like the victim and you'd get in more shit."

"Look, you can march in there and tell on me like an SK with pig tails and a big mouth would do, but you'd just look like a tattle taler. I don't give a crap if you do or don't, I just want you to know if you do, that you will look like an attention seeker. That's not what you want for the first day."

"Are you getting that mad over a piano?" I asked as I was half way in the girls change room, he shook his head in annoyance.

He stood there with his arms crossed, staring at me with his icy blue eyes, trying to scare me, it wasn't working. I had been through a lot more scary things in my life and he was the last of them. I smirked and walked into the girls change room, I looked at myself, Gross, I thought to myself.

I pealed off the muddy gym clothes and rinsed them off in the sink, the water turned a murky dark colour with the dirt collecting. They were as clean as they were going to get, I'd just wash them when I get back home. I set them near my gym bag and got into the shower, hanging my towel on the hook. All the dirt guzzled down the drain as the water splashed over my head and down my body.

I hopped out of the shower, put my clothes on and put mascara on, I was pretty much clean and presentable and decided it was time to go back to class.

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