The Love Song.

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"I heard a roomer were starting duets," Jamison said as she grabbed her books out of her locker.
"Oh, no." Rebecca groaned like it was a bad thing. I shrugged my shoulders as I got a better hold on my books.
"What's so bad about duets? I doubt it's like we have to sing them."

"Yeah but he chooses the category and your partner, God knows who you will end up with. Last year I got Christopher, he has no musical bone in his body."

"Christopher's better than Keenan, he refused to help with the duets," Jamison added. Were the boys actually that tone deaf and lacking musical abilities?

Second period is what I live for, Mr. Coleman helped me with my piano skills at lunch. Just me and him. Killian and I tried staying out of each others way since last weeks detentions, that didn't stop us from butting heads occasionally.

I had excepted his friend request, I was just going to watch what he did and keep a close eye.
I saw Graham walk through the music room doors toward us, he looked pissed.
"I hate Mr. Coleman for this."
"For what?" I asked.
"Duets, he's making us do love songs this time. God help us all." We all groaned at he had to say, I dragged my feet as I got to my desk. On the board, the words "Duets!" were written across it. A loud thump scared me, my chair was being kicked and I had a pretty good idea who it is, I turned back to see Killian glaring at me. I faces back to the board, twisting my wrist between my back and flipping him off, I heard him snicker as everyone sat down.

Mr. Coleman tapped his conducting baton on the stand to get our attention.
"Duets people!" He yelled, expecting people to get exited. No one made a sound, "Come on! Get excited," Mr. Coleman begged us.

"For people who don't know what this project is, is I pair you up and assign you a song to preform in 3 weeks."

A hand shot up in the air.
"Do we have to sing?" I heard Graham ask.
"You don't have too but you are encouraged to because even if you are tone deff, you will almost automatically get 100. So the theme is year is love."

Everyone groaned again, this lesson was starting to get worse and worse. I didn't really want to sing in front of the class. But depending on my partner, I might need to sing to get a good mark.

"When I tell you who your partner is, sit with them."
"Rebecca and... Cody." Rebecca groaned, I guess she hoped she was with Killian.
"Jamison and Mia." Mia and Jamison both looked happy about who there partners were.
"Graham and Chiara." Chiara was a tall girl in my class, she was very pretty but almost never talked. She was very quiet, had big black glasses and nice brown eyes.

He went on and on with the list, "Killian and Natalie," I groaned and Killian gave his famous "I'm going to kill all of you," look to me and Mr. Coleman. "Why? Do you want us to kill each other?!" Killian yelled as he got out of are seat. "Killian, I have a feeling you and miss Cruz will be wonderful duet partners. I know for a fact you have a lovely voice Mr. Wolfe and I am aware that Natalie has a very strong musical background. You two are a match made in heaven." I wanted to go up and choke Mr. Coleman.

"Uh Sir, you have to be kidding us," I butted in standing up from my seat. All eyes were on me.
"I certainly am not. Everyone sit with your partners and I will go around and give you your songs." That's it, I'm going to fail this project.

I sat back down and waited for Killian to move, slowly but surely he took a seat not beside me but one down. I crossed my legs and arms, looked at him from the corner of my eye and then decided to break the silence between us. "Look Wolfe, how about we put aside our differences just for this project and then go back to fighting."

His head turned and cold blue eyes stared at me, "fine but minimal talking, Cruz."
I nodded and my gaze went back at the board. "Stupid love songs," I muttered and rolled my eyes. "Okay! You two!" Mr. Coleman got down to our level in the chairs, "I have chosen the song Little do you know. It's pretty new and very romantic," he sang and put emphasis on very.

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