For once in your life, do something for someone other than youself.

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"You don't have to go, my mum gives full permission to stay home." Jamison said. I shook my head as I stepped out of the shower in her spare green robe.
"I'm not going to stay home just because of something someone said and it's not like Killian's grandfather goes to our school." I had slept over the whole weekend and had packed some clothing from home.

Jamie was putting on a second coat of mascara on her already lovely and long eyelashes. I grabbed my clothing and went back to the shower to change. Pulling the curtain in front so I could changed into my purple cotton dress. My mothers pearl earrings were still in from Friday and then I picked up my back pack.

My grandmother hadn't even talked or called me since that day, I'd probably have to go back tonight and face her.
Half an hour later, we were at school. By history class, I was on auto pilot when writing notes and before I knew it, it was music. The last class before the big Duet day. I didn't want to do duets, and I certainly didn't want to face Killian. But I dragged my butt to the music and sat in my seat, legs crossed, arms crossed in front of me.

Mr. C wrote the lesson plan on the board and I saw Rebecca sit two seats to the left of where she normally sits which made sense because of her breakup. You'd expect her to look sad and miserable but she looked like she couldn't be any happier. That breaking up with Killian was the best decision ever.

Next, the man of the hour. Killian, he walked in sluggishly and looked tired. His hair was very messy which matched his tired eyes and his navy blue polo fit tightly around his chest. His eyes moved over to me and he had this guilty look about him, Killian wouldn't even look me in the eyes. Not that he usually did but it was the type of look someone had when they had really done something horrible of themselves and they know what they did was wrong and they're sorry. Usually he only gives me the evil grin and the cold, harsh attitude.

My eyes focussed in on him and stared him down until he sat in his seat making him look nervously ahead.
A few minutes passed and everyone was in they're regular seats except a girl names Yasmin and Rebecca of course. They had switched. Mr. C didn't say anything about it.
The words Nutcracker were written on the black board for all of the eyes to see.

"It is a little more than three months until the annual Christmas outing. For grade 12 students, at Christmas time 5 teachers and myself take all the grade twelve music student to - wait for it - New York City to see the New York City ballet preform the nutcracker. We stay in New York for one week at the four seasons hotel." My jaw dropped. This was it, this was going to be great.

He explained that he'd have work shops for us and for students who wanted to, they could stay in New York for Christmas break and go to time square on New Year's Eve. This was my dream, one week in New York and maybe even two if I was allowed. I needed to go, suddenly my mood had lifted.

"But there is a catch, the only way all of us are going to go is if all of us get more than 75% on the duets projects." He explained. My heart sank, that was going to have to take a miracle for that to happen.
But everyone seemed optimistic. He spent almost the whole class talking about the trip. But the last half an hour he gave us to chat amongst our selves and practise. I couldn't stop thinking about New York. I sat near Jamie and we talked about all the things we were going to do in New York and how we were going to bring in the new year together.

Rebecca came over to see us, she looked happy but I think a little bit down at the same time. Not how she was like when she entered class.
"Are you okay Rebecca? You look off." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm alright."she sighed.
"No really, what's going on?" I asked. "I broke up with Killian on Friday and I thought I was fine but hearing about New York sort of hit home. Before we broke up he said that he'd take me there one day and we'd have the time of our lives together, and I thought I was over him... But I don't know... I'll be okay." I felt bad, but why did she break up with him if she still was attached.

His middle name is Trouble.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن