Duets - Part Two

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It was now 2 in the afternoon and we had been in that instrument room for 4 hours. People had decided to get comfortable. People were laying on the floors, used there flashlight apps to provide some type of light and some had even decided to sleep.

Killian wasn't holding me anymore, after an hour I decided that was enough. I felt like the hate between us had gone but apparently he never hated me in the first place.
He said he hated what I was doing to him. What was I doing to him? I had never done anything to him but get even, which was standing up for myself.

If he had a problem with that, I didn't know what was going on in that pea-brain of his and didn't know what to do.
He was sitting with his elbows on his knees and head hung over his body. I couldn't read what was going on in his mind, he could have been distressed or just tired. We had been sitting in the dark for a little over four hours in silence.

I really hoped that Graham was okay, he seemed to be so much more passionate and less like a player each day I knew him.
At the beginning of the year, he was a player. Hitting on every single girl but it had almost been a month since the first day but he had really matured which was good. I personally think he'd found the right girl and that changed things for the better but it hadn't even been confirmed that he and Chiara were having a thing. It was like a little hint every once and a while.

I was sitting with Jamie and Rebecca. Jamie was laying down with her head on Rebecca's lap and I was wedged into the corner.
Rebecca was staring at Killian. He was still sitting the same way, head hung over his lap and fingers intertwined with each other resting on the back of his neck.
"I'm going to go sit with him," Rebecca whispered so softly that it was difficult for me to decipher. I nodded and took her place.

She shuffled low to the ground to get to him, she sat close to him and grabbed his hand. He looked upset, but who wouldn't be. I saw their fingers intertwine and he rested his head on her shoulder. I wouldn't be surprised if they would get back together after this. They were perfect for each other, I wouldn't even be shocked if they ended up marrying each other after high school.
Everyone stirred as the door was jiggled. My heart started pounding again and my eyes glued to the instrument door.

Jamie dug her nails into my thigh with nerves. The door creaked open and it was the slowest moment of my life.
My heart drummed in my ears and the door creaked open and I sighed with relief when I saw about 6 men with police uniforms and weapons.
"It's clear, you're all free to go." One said, they flicked the lights on and everyone got up. My first thought was...
"Graham!" I said out loud. Everyone looked at me as I ran out of the instrument closet, pushing through the police and past the double doors of the music room. Running down the hall, I heard an ambulance sound and my adrenaline was pumping. I was stopped when my worst fear came true.

I saw Grahams being wheeled away in a gurney with an air mask and an IV hooked up to his arm.
"Graham!" I yelled, his eyes darted to me and he looked as he gulped. I ran over to him as they wheeled him.
"Don't freak out, it isn't that bad," he gasped. I had just noticed I was crying again. "You're going in an ambulance, I'm doing more than freaking out Graham! This is all Chiara's fault. How could've she been so stupid?"

"She wasn't stupid, she didn't know this would happen, no one knew this was going to happen." I was so upset and Chiara. She put everyone's life at risk, how could she be so stupid?
I shook and keened as he was put in the ambulance. Why did Chiara do this? Why did Chiara have to hurt Graham? Why couldn't she have stayed in the classroom? She was a selfish brat who didn't have a patient bone in her body.

I flinched as someone grabbed my shoulder. It was Rebecca, she pushed me into
her arms and held me tight.

"It'll be alright," she said, choking up. My face felt sore from all the crying and I was sure I had tear stains. My eyes were foggy from the tears. This had been the most sad day I've had in a long while.
First, being pushed down by Wolfe and that whole blow up.
Second, being out in the library with Rebecca, Graham and Killian. As they tried to get Killian to explain something.
Third, a lock down lasting four hours.
And fourth, a weird panic and having my worst enemy hold me. This was the worst day ever, but I could honestly say one thing. I didn't hate Killian anymore.

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