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A little less than 3 weeks of practicing that stupid love song and not once had I ever heard him sing. He's going to leave the whole thing on me. Every time we go to music to practice, he disappears and goes to talk to Josh.

I felt hurt that he didn't give a crap about this project when I've spent every moment of my spare time trying to perfect the song. I really hate him even more for this.

It was last period, the day had been so long that I was surprised that it had finally ended. I hated today, besides being abandoned in music, I had been tripped by Killian "by accident" but everyone knows it was on purpose and the lunch lady gave me tuna salad that had gone off a few days ago by mistake.

Now that that I know was an accident. Right now, my supply teacher had brought us to the library for English and told us to silent read which was really code for do what ever you want but just don't get caught.

I was just messing around on my phone. Looking at my friends from my last school. I didn't have too many friends but just enough to get by, there was James. He did piano just like me and we would always talked about when we got our Grammy's, what our acceptance speech would sound like.

Mine was going to sound like this: "To all the stupid people in my life who didn't believe that I would actually get one of these things." *Points to the Grammy and raises it up above head*

"Suck it! Because I did it! and a special thanks to my mom and Grandma and to all my music teachers."

Yes, it would pretty much sound like that. I had a few other friends but I was closest to James. He understood what it felt like to grow up with out parents. His Aunt and Uncle raised him from the age of 7.

I had put my phone inside a book and made sure I looked like I was actually reading it.

"Now what are you reading Ms. Cruz?" I actually thought it was a teacher and panicked and struggled to put my phone away. I looked over my shoulder and found Graham. I gasped as I started to laugh, he pulled up a chair beside me."How's the music thing going?" He asked. I gave him a look and he snickered.

"He isn't helping at all. He is never there during practises."

Graham shrugged his shoulders. "Mr. C will notice if he hasn't done his part. So jokes on him." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I hate Killian," he smirked as I said it.

"We know, everyone knows. I hope you know I had nothing to do with what happened the first day. I was just told to pass on the message."

"I know," I sighed. "How's your song going?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"It's going, I to the think Chiara hates me as well."

Chiara was a very shy girl in our grade, I had never heard her talk, let alone sing or play an instrument.


"She doesn't talk to me, she just plays her guitar and mumbles the lyrics." Graham ruffled his hair as he talked. "I think she's just scared."

"Of what? It's not like I'm going to kill her."

"Yeah but she is really shy." I said. Graham looked at our supply teacher with big clunky glasses. They were bigger than hipster glasses. They looked like they were from 70's.

The bell rang which meant it was the end of the day, but not the end of the day for me.

I grabbed my bag and walked to the music room as I mumbled the lyrics to America from west side story. I was stopped by the strum of a guitar.

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