8- First day- part 2

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The day flew by, and by the time I looked at my phone we'd done three run throughs and a full scene already. Josh arrived late as I expected, rushing into rehearsal with a bandage on his arm and a black eye, that he had to cover up with a pile of make-up. He avoided my eye all day, unless we had to practice, and I just knew that I had to get him alone somewhere so he could tell me what the hell he was playing at.

"Hi girly, how's your first day been?" Olivia bumped my shoulder as she linked my arm with hers, smiling at me, as we both headed towards the parking lot.

"I'm literally still shaking!" I exclaimed, letting out a small laugh.

"I'm so glad you got to experience this and didn't start any later, I couldn't imagine the first day without you already!"

"I swear I'm so happy to be here. Like, I feel like I'm on top of the world right now!" I could feel my face was literally beaming right now and I hadn't felt this happy in a long long time. In a way I felt like I deserved it.

"Oh I'm so glad. Do you fancy coming to my apartment tonight, we've planned a cast party for the first day. There's not a single person on this set that won't be there." Olivia was still smiling as she reached for her phone to text me her address.

"Of course I'll be there, what time were you thinking?" My phone vibrated in my pocket, indicating that I'd got the text from Liv.

"Umm I've told everyone six, but Sofia and Julia are getting there a little earlier, so whatever time suits you."

"I'll be there for six, don't you worry!" I was still smiling and my arm was still hooked in Liv's as we made our way towards the cars, walking in comfortable silence.

"Well here I am!" Liv turned to look at her car, and pressed her keys to unlock it. I noticed a rose keychain on her keys, that I was sure was exact same as mine. But it couldn't be, Josh gave me mine like two years ago, I still kicked myself for keeping it on there.

"Hey Liv, where did you get the rose keychain from?"

"Oh this one?" She asked, pointing to it, while I nodded. "Umm, I think Josh got it me as a congratulations for getting the job thing. I don't know, why?"

"Oh, no reason I just liked the look of it." I smiled at her as she got into her car, and told her I'd be at hers for six.

I watched Liv drive out of the parking lot and headed towards my white truck, which because I was late, was parked the furthest away from the front. I didn't mind though, it gave me some time to think back over the day and realise actually just how lucky I was to be with all these amazing people.

As I looked up from the pavement, I noticed another figure getting into a grey car next to mine. I didn't even bother to tap on the window as I opened their door and sat down in the passenger seat.

"Tell me then, where did you go this morning?"

I looked over to him and Josh's eyes met mine. I could see the guilt written all over them.

"Look Thea, I'm sorry for last night. I honestly don't know what came over me. It's just, you come back into the picture and mix things up when they were starting to settle down. And I mean I can't blame you, you were bound to be in the spotlight one day. I just wish you'd have told me. I snuck out this morning and called a cab to take me to the hospital, because as always, I knew you were right. Anyways, the doctor gave me some medication and bandaged my arm up, telling me it'll heal within a week, and I'm here with a rental because my car's basically a wreck." His eyes never left mine as he waited for me to say something, I could tell he needed me to say anything or he'd spiral and start telling me everything he's always wanted to say.

I was still made about last night and this morning and for everything he's ever done, but I knew I'd have to let last night go.

"Look Josh, forget about last night. I'm just glad your here and your safe, and I'm glad that you phoned me last night. But that doesn't mean you have a right to blame it all on me, I didn't even watch the first season, so I didn't know you were on it. I'm sorry for not doing that, but I will not apologise for keeping you in the dark, when you've kept me in the dark for years, you literally disappeared and never came back."

"I know and I'm sorry, I really am. I just missed you and everything that happened, I didn't wanna hurt you by coming back into your life. I don't know what came over me last night, I'm glad you were there to help though Thea, I really am." His expression was pained when he turned to look at me, I could tell his eyes were slightly glassy and his hands were trembling.

"Joshy, you hurt me since the day you left. I think if you had have come back, it would've probably fixed me, but you didn't and I've changed and I like that change. So please let's just start fresh, for both our sakes."

"You really mean that?" He asked, his voice a timid whisper

I hoped I wasn't going to regret the decision I was about to make, but I promised myself this was for the best, what good was dragging up the past going to do to me anyways?

"Hi, I'm Thea. It's nice to meet you. What's your name, may I ask?" I asked, extending my hand and hoping he'd play along and take it.

"Uhm, i'm Joshua. It's really nice to meet you." He gave me a classic toothy grin and his hand locked with mine, both of our rings making a metallic sound when they hit each other.

After a few seconds of us just sat there, I smiled at Josh and opened the car door, turning to look at my truck parked right next to him. I guess I did find it after all.

"See you tonight Josh?" I asked, secretly praying he'd say yes.

"Of course Thea." He smiled goodbye and turned the engine, peeling out of the parking lot like a pro. I guess we both needed that, a fresh start.

What could go wrong, I found myself asking as I followed his car out?



So I took a well needed break from social media and writing, because honestly my head couldn't take it. But IM BACK NOW, and ready to finish this story.

If you ever feel you need to talk or rant, my dm's are always ALWAYS open, I love you all, Thank you for being on this journey with me. See you in the next chapter. Lots of love Angels <3

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