36 1 2

2 months later...

My eyes welled with tears as my fellow cast and crew members clapped their hands around me. My first season was done. Over and Out. I looked over my shoulder to see Bella running up behind me and tackling me in a hug.

"Oh my god, you did it Thea!!" She smiled as she wiped a stray tear, hands slightly squeezing me as she gripped me tightly. 

"I know, can you believe it? And I've been asked to come back next year!" My heart was bursting with pride over my journey, but also my cast members. 

Matt was the first one to come up to me, due to my last scene being a romance scene with him. 

"You did so well Thea, they're going to love you. And it's been an honour getting to know you on and off screen. Oh and I guess thanks for introducing me to this one." His smiled widened as he swung an arm around Bella, who had only just let me go.

As he pressed a kiss to her forehead, I refused to let my mind wander to a certain someone and instead focused on the cuteness in front of me. They had gotten together a few weeks after the party, and everyone was still in awe of how perfect they were together. I knew my best friend and I knew she was happy, it was all I could've asked for. 

As the tears cleared from my eyes, I saw Tim walking up to me. His eyes shone with that of admiration and held a bouquet of pink roses in his arms. 

"And that, my friends, is Thea's wrap. It has been an absolute honour to work with you, you have been wonderful to film on camera and be with off camera. I can promise we're gonna bring so much more to Aven's storyline next year, but you have literally brought everything this year and from us and the cast, we cannot thank you enough!" His arms reached out to hand me the bouquet of flowers and as soon as they hit my palms, confetti had gone off behind him. I looked around to find the culprits to be Olivia and Julia.

"Oh my god!" I screamed as I ran and engulfed both of them in a hug, trying to hold onto the flowers at the same time. "I thought you'd both gone home, why are you still here?" 

"We couldn't let you wrap in the infamous gym and not celebrate with you." Olivia smiled as she gripped my hand not holding the flowers. "Also, we may or may have not decorated for a wrap party in your trailer?" 

"Wait... what?" My mind whirred with many thoughts, but I was desperate to find out what exactly had happened. 

"It was kinda all of our ideas, but me and Liv decorated it, so you know it'll look good before you even see it." I could see the glitter shining in Julia's hair as she talked. Now I really was worried. 

"Also Joshy is picking up the food, Taco Bell just for you, so we best make our way over." Olivia pulled my hand that she still had hold of and dragged me out of the gym. It was only now had I realised that everyone had cleared the gym, apart from the last of the crew packing away their cameras. 

Because the trailers were only in the back parking lot, it took less than two minutes for me to see the big sign lit up by neon lights, hanging on my trailer door. 'Wrap Party' were the words written on it. 

I didn't even get to say anything to Julia before she swung my door open and I saw the bright lights of a disco ball and the multicoloured streamers hanging in the entrance. 

Stepping up the three steps and moving the coloured strips out of my way, I was greeted by the cheers of the cast all again, most of them still in their character clothing and makeup. I laid the flowers down on the nearest surface I could see, just as everyone started shouting 'make a speech.' 

"Ok, Ok. It'll be short. But I just wanted to start by thanking Tim for this amazing opportunity in season two and for allowing me the chance to make Aven into my own, I feel connected to her in some way. And for the rest of you, you are bloody amazing and I freaking love every single one of you. I cannot wait for more..." Before I could finish my speech, I was interrupted by the opening of a handle. 

I looked to my left and saw the appearance of curls that I knew instantly who they belonged to. Josh let the door swing open, as he balanced the tray of tacos on his raised knee, eyes softening as he realised he had interrupted something. As he climbed to the third step, he held his arms out, ready to pass the tray to someone, and Olivia jumped forward mouthing a quick 'thank you'. 

Josh's eyes met mine and he nodded for me to continue what I was saying, as he shut the door behind him. 

"As I was saying, before Josh brought the thing everyone came for, that I cannot wait for what will happen next. But for the present, I want to say thank you for today, yesterday and every day over the past two months. You are all amazing!" A few tears spilt as I finished my speech, but I was glad they were happy tears for once. 


Hey besties, sorry I've been the worst writer for 6 months... I lost major interest in this book, but I promised myself I would write this story to the end :) Life has been hectic, but I bought tickets to see Joshua in May, so there's been some good parts.

Also this book hit 1k reads?? Like hello?? 

I love you all, see you in the next chapter <3 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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