6- 'I'm so so sorry'

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Josh stood up from the side of the pavement, eyes flicking from me to the mess in front of him. The front of his car was a wreck to say the least , almost looking as if it was part of the tree. Glass shattered everywhere and taillights blinking like beakers in the moonlight.

"Josh, how the HELL did this happen." I shout at him, eyes flicking toward him and his mess.

"I don't know, I was driving and next thing you know I'm in a tree." He said looking toward me. "Cute outfit by the way." He said pointing to my high school musical t-shirt and grey sweatpants, with a smirk.

"This is not the time to be focusing on me." I said, glaring at him. As I was moving closer to him, I noticed how dilated his pupils were.  "Wait, are you drunk?"

His reaction to this comment, was to look me up and down and reply with a "I've maybe had a drink or two"

"Joshua Taylor Bassett. How could you!" I exclaimed.

"Blame yourself  for this Thea. You turn up here, thinking you could befriend everyone and turn my life upside down again."

  "Whoah, hold on a minute. You're, one, blaming me for crashing your car, that may I add only you were in. Secondly, you're the one who walked out on me, so you do NOT get to turn this round on me. Now let's get you either to a hospital or to my apartment. I'll call a pickup truck for your car."


The pick up truck arrived within 30 minutes, which luckily by this time, I think Josh was starting to sober up. So I left him in my car to sort out his smashed convertible. Great friend I am.

As I got back into my car, I looked toward Josh. How could he do this, I mean what the hell is going through his mind right now. Slamming my door, seemed to make Josh snap out of whatever trance he was in.

"The guy said you can go down tomorrow to sort out your car stuff. But we need to get you to a hospital Josh."

"No we don't, I'm fine."

"How can you sit here and say you're fine, when you've literally just crashed your car."

"Because I am." He replied angrily, pausing just for a moment to look back at me. "Just take me home, I'll go in the morning if I feel like I need to."

"OK, but you're not going back to your's, you can stay at mine. And before you put up a fight, i'm not leaving you on your own, no way. If you won't go to a hospital, I'll clean your face up myself. I can tell you now that Tim will not be happy cause I can already see bruises forming on your face, and your starting to bleed all over my car."

"Fine, let's just go." He muttered.


It didn't take us long to get back to my apartment, Josh not saying anything the whole way. He followed me all the way to the marbled bathroom, straight past Bella's worried but questioning face in the lounge.

"Just sit on the tub Josh." I said to him as I was rooting through the cabinet for things to clean his face for .

"Here I brought this for you." Bella said, walking towards us and smiling at Joshua as she set 2 pills of Advil and a glass of water down on the bathroom sink. He took them gratefully, downing the water and swallowing the pills instantly. I told him we should've gone to the hospital, but no, he seems to think he's superman. The cuts on his face had stopped bleeding by now, but the trace of where they had still remained on his face, so I took some cotton wool and gently rubbed, earning groans and winces from him.

"I don't care if this hurts, it's this or the hospital." That shut him up and as I continued to wipe, I could feel his eyes on me. Roaming up and down my face like a remote control.

"I'm so so sorry." I heard him whisper, "I really am, I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Oh alright, so what did you mean to happen. Did you expect to get in that car and just drive home, all fine and sleep as soon as you got there. Because you know that was what was not going to happen."

"Thea, I really didn't mean to do it, I admit it was reckless and I'm glad I only hit a tree not a person, but I just couldn't handle it."

"You couldn't handle what Josh, come on, enlighten me."

"You." He said looking me in the eyes. My hand hovered in the air, frozen from what he'd said. He's sobered up and still blames me.

"I couldn't handle you appearing here and just changing everything. God I loved you and then we had to leave because of family problems, and I just couldn't say to you that I loved you and leave you. So I um thought it was best to just go. I couldn't handle the damage I'd do to you. But then I did all this," He gestures around with his hands. "and your the first person I call, because your still in my favourites, you were still in the back of my mind. I'm sorry I'm spilling this all on you, it's just something that I've had on my chest for years and I couldn't tell anyone because no one would understand. And I just don't know what to do now and this is all..."

"Josh stop talking for a minute, please." I looked at him, and could see the tears escaping his eyes, running down his already ruined pretty face.

  "Yes, ok I'm sorry I ramble when I'm nervous."

    "I know you do, you always have done." I said with a laugh, trailing a hand down his bruised face, nearly all cleaned up. "But I was heartbroken, you leaving was always going to end that way. But if you had opened this big mouth of your's you'd have known I felt the same way." I looked up shyly, through my eyelashes to see his mouth wide open in shock, but I carried on. "I loved you and you left with nothing, and It'll take me a while to get over that now you're here. So in all, I think we're both idiots from the start. But let's get you to bed." I said with a laugh, earning a small one from Josh. These years have taught me you can't trust someone with your life, because they can easily throw it back in your face and so I wasn't going to forgive Josh that easily.

His face was all cleaned up and so I threw all the cotton into the bin and walked out into the hallway, refusing to look at him after that embarrassing speech. I can feel my face heating up just thinking about it, great! But as I walked down toward the spare room, I can hear feet padding softly behind me. I opened the oak door to be greeted with a small but comfy feeling room, that would be housing him for the remainder of the night. I ushered him in with my hand, watching as he made his was over to the bed and climbed into it.

"Goodnight Josh. Sleep well." I softly smiled, as I went to turn the light off.

"Goodnight Thea, Thankyou." I heard him mumble, giving me a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, just before I clicked the door shut. I leaned against the door and sighed. Wasn't that eventful.


A/N: Quick note to say Thankyou to everyone reading. Stay Safe

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