7- First Day- Part 1

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Joshua had disappeared by the time I woke up, the bed made and clothes that he slept, in laid on the desk. I was too tired to even think about what had happened last night, so I went and joined Bella with a cup of steaming hot coffee, in the lounge.

"So where did Mr Bassett get to this morning?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow slightly. "Because I don't remember hearing a door go, or even footsteps for that matter."

"Bella, I'm being honest when I say I have zero clue, he hasn't even left a text. But I've text him to make sure he's ok, don't think he'll get back to me though."

"He'll be fine, don't stress." she coaxed, rubbing my arm. "Anyways, let's talk about you. Your first day shooting, how excited are you."

"I'm not that excited." I replied with a shrug. I wasn't going to gush over how excited I was, because I still feel guilty. Bella is here with me, while her heart lies in LA. She needs to be travelling the world right now, walking down runways and be included in vogue.

"Oh come on, yes you are. You know you can't lie to me, I see the sparkle in your eyes."

"Ok, so maybe I am." I smiled, while setting my mug onto the table. "But like I don't want to jinx anything."

"Listen to me, nothing is going to go wrong. You're here, it's working out fine, you get on with everyone. Girl I'd take that as a really good sign nothing is gonna go wrong." She gushed with a genuine smile in her face.

"Are you sure?"

"Of Course I'm sure. Now anyways, shouldn't you be on your way over now?"

Shit is it that time already?! I swear me and time just don't get along. I sent a quick thank you Bella's way and ran into my bedroom. I don't even have time to sort out my clothes, so I threw on some grey joggers, a black sweatshirt and my white converse. Running to collect my keys, I shout goodbye and leg it to my car with only 5 minutes to spare.


10:00 the clock reads as soon as I pulled my car into the parking lot. Thank god. I spot Frankie walking to the trailers, and so do a little jog to catch up with him.

"Morning." I said with a little smile, didn't want to be too overexcited for the day.

"Well morning to you, miss late arriver." He replied with a laugh.

"Oh my god. Am I that late?"

"No you're not too late. Josh has yet to turn up so you're ok."

"Phew that was close. I thought i'd be getting fired this morning. Wait, did you say Joshua wasn't here?"

"Yeah he hasn't turned up, I mean he's usually late anyways, so he should be here soon."

By the time me and Frankie had caught up, I found myself stood outside my trailer door. We said our goodbye's and I stepped into my un-homely space. I really need to go get something to put in here. I could do with Frankie's cardboard cutout of Zac here! I hadn't heard Josh's speaker still, so I pressed his caller ID only to hear the automated voicemail.

'Josh it's me. I was just wondering where you are, seen as though you slipped out this morning and you aren't on set. Call me back when you can, okay.'

With a little part of me hoping he'll call me back, I strolled over to the outfit laid on my couch. 'Good luck on your first day, enjoy your outfit 'Mia', lots of love the team.' Aww how cute is that! The outfit was a short white tennis skirt, baby pink cropped jumper and some black converse. I picked a few pieces of gold jewellery to go with it and I remember being told I could choose what I wanted for my bag, and so I picked up my large, black shoulder bag I'd brought with me.

"Thea, you're needed in hair and makeup!" Called a voice from outside my door. Whoever it was, was repeatedly knocking on my door.

"Ok, Ok. I'm Coming." I called back swinging the door open and making my way to hair and makeup, whoever was calling had already disappeared. It was only a short walk, and I met up with Olivia on the way there.

"I brought you an Iced coffee, thought you might need one" She smiled, giving me a Starbucks cup.

"Oh that's so sweet, how did you know what I like?" I asked, taking the cup from her hands.

"Ummm, I texted Josh last night and asked what it was you liked. He didn't know if it had changed, but he told me 'an iced coffee with 2 pumps of caramel'. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not, that's so sweet of you to do this. He did get it right by the way, once I like something it dosen't change." I said with a laugh. Was I meant to be flattered by Josh remembering my order or was I just thinking too much not it? Probably the latter.

"I just wanted you to have a good first day on set, I know it can be nerve-wracking but I wanted you to feel as settled as possible." Smiling, she linked her arm through mine and we walked the rest of the way to the makeup trailer together, still with no sign of Joshua.


A/N: I'm sorry I took so long to write this chapter, if i'm being honest I ran out of inspiration but I think i'm getting back to it. I'm also thinking of writing imagines or something like that with other celebtities in, would that be something you'd want to see?

Also if you can, there's a link in my bio to donate/sign petitions for the black lives matter movement <3

Lots of Love <3

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