2- First Impressions

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I followed Josh outside to the trailer's as instructed, a million thoughts whizzing through my head. Was I really meant to be here? Did he know I was gonna be here? Since when did he act? What do I say? How do I act? Stop Thea, you're gonna drive yourself crazy. As if I don't do enough of that already! I mean what can go wrong here, its not like I still get butterflies around him, do I? Ok so that's a lie, I mean who doesn't!

I was too busy in my own head, to realise that i'd been taken to a large room and also realise Josh had stopped, which resulted me walking head first into his back, it would've been his head if he didn't hold a good 5 inches over me. The heat rose to my cheeks immediately from embarrassment. Well done, great first impression to everyone else. Luckily, I don't think anyone else seemed to notice, as they were too busy catching up from the time they had spent apart. Good. Ok, I really need to stop talking to myself now, its getting a bit weird.

"Guys, this is Thea." Spoke Josh before I could even utter an apology. He stepped aside so I was visible to the rest of the group, just before giving me a side glance and walking over to the leather couches, that were set up in the middle of the room.

"Hi" I said shyly, with a small wave. And as soon as I closed my mouth, I was surrounded by all the cast, their warmth and friendliness radiating onto me instantly.

"I'm Olivia," I heard a girl similar to my age call out. Wow, this is what stars look like. She was as beautiful in person as she was on camera. Not intimidating at all, none whatsoever. God who am I kidding, I look like a potato compared to her! "This is Sofia, Matt, Julia, Frankie, Larry and Dara." She pointed to everyone of them, and they all gave me some form of greeting. I started to feel welcomed instantly.

"I guess you've already met Joshy," Spoke Olivia, and we both looked over her shoulder to a daydreaming Joshua. "Don't worry he isn't always like this." She whispered to me with an empathetic smile on her face. I was instantly starting to like Olivia.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all." I said with a smile on my face, and I really did mean it. I knew what they meant when they say a cast is a family, I could feel the love they all had for one another.

"C'mon, let's show Thea to her trailer." Sofia then called from the little circle we'd formed.

"That'd be great thankyou, I need somewhere to put this bag, it's getting a little heavy." I laughed lightly and felt a weight being taken off of my shoulder. When I looked to my right I saw Matt taking the bag off of me and putting it on his shoulder.

"Don't want you to be injured on the first day of set!" He gave me a lopsided grin and I thanked him instantly, following Sofia out of the little cozy area they'd set up, through the door and into what looked like a fancy trailer park.

"Here's your space, right next to Joshua's and mine," called Sofia "It's a bit empty but hopefully you can jazz it up a bit, oh and be warned Josh takes a speaker everywhere so it may get a bit noisy sometimes." She gave me a heads up, but that's one thing Josh has done since he was little. That boys been in love with music since day one and so I was used to his random songs that he'd play to express his feelings. Speaking of the boy, just as Sofia opened my door, I saw him walk towards me and at the last second dart into his own trailer. Great talk Josh, great talk.

I walked into the room, and to say it was bigger than I expected was an understatement, it was literally bigger than my room back home. I had my own couch, dressing table and kitchen area, I think I'll just stay here for the time being. I sent a quick picture of it to my roommate, and instantly got a reply. 'How the hell did you end up with something that big, I'll have to come visit ASAP'. I smiled at the response instantly, I knew Bell would love it.

I've know Bella since I was born basically and we'd been inseparable since. That inseparable she'd decided to come with me to Salt Lake as soon as she found out I'd got an acting job there. Her long blonde hair, blue eyes, toned figure and perfect skin instantly made her model material and to go with it all she had a personality that matched her warm exterior, my bubblewrap as I liked to call her; she protected me just like I protected her, I couldn't ask for anyone else.

I didn't know Matt had followed me in until I heard him clear his throat behind me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I completely zoned out. Thankyou for the help again." I said, having to clear my mind to focus again.

"Hey it's alright, no need to thank me." There it was again his famous lopsided grin. Don't get me wrong he wasn't bad looking at all, I just thought Joshua was more my type. Wait, why am I thinking about Josh, when this fine specimen of a man is right infront of me! "I'll let you get settled anyways, come out to the lounge when you're done, yeah."

"Ok that sounds great, I won't be too long." I smiled at him as he left, leaving a trail of expensive cologne in his wake. I've got to give it to him, the boy smells great.

Just as I started to unpack my belongings onto my shiny dressing table, I heard the faint hum of music. Music, I recognised straight away. 'Falling' played softly out of Joshua's speaker that I guessed was on the wall that adjoined his trailer to mine. Guess it was Joshua's Sad Boi hour.

I smiled to myself when i thought back to what just happened a minute ago. They all seemed so nice, I couldn't wait to get to know all of them individually and see what happens behind the scenes and in the scenes.


A/N: Ok, little message from me, this chapter is a little boring and I'm sorry, I just wanted to get everyone introduced before I started to get into the storyline.

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