5- 'I feel at home'

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I arrived at my apartment complex not long after and was greeted by the smell of Chinese takeaway, clear that it had been ordered not long ago.

"Bella?" I called into the empty hallway.

"I'm in the lounge." I heard a voice call. "I ordered some extra food, so grab some if you want."

I took her up on that order and grabbed some little nibbles that we're laid on the counter, I get I've already just eaten but who can really resist Chinese food. I heard the faint sound of 'wondering' coming from the tv and was surprised to walk into the lounge and see Bella laid across the couch, chopsticks in hand, watching High school musical: the musical. Let's just say she earned a puzzled look from me.

" Oh c'mon. You're gonna be on this soon, i've gotta figure out where they'll fit you. And the boys aren't too bad to look at" She said with a wink.

  "Ok, Ok. How was your day?"

"Boring as hell, but forget about me, girl spill!" She exclaimed instantly pausing the tv and shooting up from her seat. I went and sat down next to her ready to tell her everything. I recapped the whole first day and mention about the girls night me and Olivia had planned.

"Of course, I'd love to meet everyone."
"I hoped you would."

"So, made any new friends yet?"

"I would like to think I had, I mean me and Olivia get on well together and Matt seems to have taken a liking to me. I don't know I don't want to jinx anything. Like I mean I've got Mr Joshua Bassett around me 24/7 and I think he's gonna take some work warming up to again, but hopefully we'll get back to the friend stage. He's already talked to my parents today! But it's weird I just felt at home on set, like I could feel how close the cast were and so I don't want to ruin any of that because it makes the place fell good, you know. But I feel safe there. God, I probably sound stupid."

"Oh yeah you sound so stupid." She said making inverted quotes around 'so stupid'. "God Thea, if I thought you were any way stupid would I be sat here right now?" I shook my head no. "No I didn't think so either. I'm glad your feeling like this, it would've all been pointless if you didn't fell like that. And I know times have been hard in the past but I'm here through it all and I cannot wait to meet the people that make you feel this good. Why the hell not just invite the whole cast for a party and have the girls stay over instead. Then I can meet them all."

"That's actually quite a good idea, maybe I will. But I cannot thank you enough for moving out with me and actually being sat here right now. I love you Bells, you know that right."

"Of course I do." She looked at me and smiled a big cheesy grin. "And I love you too, always and forever."

She collapsed underneath me as I tackled her into a big hug. "Your gonna squish me!" I heard her call. "I don't care" I called back with a laugh.

"So how you feeling for a High school musical slash Hannah Montana dance-a-thon tonight, to celebrate my girl becoming a Disney star?"

"You read my mind, I'll grab the drinks." I shouted, already running to the kitchen to get everything sorted.


After about 4 hours we were out of songs and laid sprawled out on the sofa, chests rising up and hearts beating like a drum. No soda was left in the cups and popcorn was covering floor as we used it to act as pool water for 'bet on it'. I mean it was a hell of a lot of fun, but will be a hell of a lot to clean up. Oh well! I was in no rush to get up but as it just so happens, my phone starts to ring as I was thinking about being comfy. You're really kidding me right now! I slowly got up and made my way to the bookshelf where it was placed earlier.

Hands clasping the pink case, I looked to see who was ringing. 'J-Baby', read the contact name. One contact I had tried to forget he existed on my phone. But why would Joshua be ringing me out of all people. I picked up after the third time I'd heard the stupid sound of Apple's ringtone.

    "Hello?" Called a croaky voice from the other end of the line.

    "Josh it's me, what are you doing its 11 at night?"

    "Can you come pick me up, I got into a little accident and you're the first person I thought to call."

My mind snapped back into gear the second he said an accident. I rushed to get my keys from the counted, calling a quick 'I'll be back soon, it's an emergency' to Bella, who wore a worried look on her face.

     "Josh can you tell me where you are, I'm on my way right now."

     "Um, I think i'm on some derelict road, I don't know there's nothing around me. All I know is I passed a park and a big apartment complex."

     "Ok I think I know where you are, what kind of state are you in?"

     "I'm alright, I think" I heard some sort of rumble of the end of the line, praying he wasn't too hurt . "Ok no I don't know, Thea can you just get here quick. I need you"

That 'I need you' caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Now is not the time to think about this, I need to get to the boy and see what the hell has happened.

     "I'm on my way Josh, don't worry i'm not going to leave you."

     "Thankyou." He mumbled breathlessly down the phone.

     "Josh keep talking to me, I think I'm nearly there."

     "Wait I can see headlights is that you?" He exclaimed. "Thea, that's you, you're here."

     "I told you I wasn't going to leave you Josh." I said as I pulled up the the scene. What I was met with I did not expect.


A/N: Ok so sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger aha! Try and guess what happened to little Josh in the comments. Also, would anyone like to see the playlist I created for my story, if I was to post it at the start of the story?

Like and comment if you have time, it would mean the world to me

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