10. 'Personal space much?'

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It took at least five seconds for my phone to stop bouncing on the tiled floor, and another five for me to look up at the person who caused it.

"Joshua Bassett, I swear if my phone has even one tiny crack in it, you're buying me another one. Got it?" I exclaimed, seeing the worry written all over his face.

He bent down to pick it up, and I could see the way his fingertips only brushed the surface before he shot back up again.

"I can't do it, you see if it's broken. It is your phone after all." He replied, eyes never leaving the floor.

"Yeah, it won't be no more if it's broken." I mumbled while bending down to pick the, luckily, pink cased phone off of the floor. I checked for any scratches on the front and back and all could see was a corner missing from the case itself.

"Josh, you broke my favourite case." I exclaimed, cradling the now broken glitter case in my hands.

"I'll buy you another one, I promise." He attempted a toothy grin, but it looked more like a grimace. "I'll spend however much it costs to make you happy. I'd do anything to make you happy".

As I placed the case onto the worktop next to me, I lifted my head up, only to be met with the most beautiful hazel eyes I've ever seen. I know I shouldn't but my eyes traced the slight curve of his nose, down to his pale pink lips that seemed just as inviting as a cold drink on a warm day. Subconciously, I could feel his eyes on my face and when I looked back up at his eyes, I could see they were trained on mine, and mine only.

"Thea, I..." He murmured, while I started straight into the depths of his never ending eyes.

"Wow, personal space much!" Someone laughed as they entered the kitchen, instantly making me and Josh both jump back.

I turned my head toward all the food that was on my left, needing something to keep me occupied from thinking about what had just happened. Was I really just about to kiss Josh? Would I have minded if he had kissed me? Would I have kissed him back? Wait, no that's not right, because I know Liv likes Josh, you can see it in her eyes. Wait do mine look like Liv's when I look at him? Do I still like the boy, who broke my heart once already?

"Hey, are you ok?" I felt a pair of cold hands on top of mine, prising my now white knuckles that were gripped onto the worktop counter. I looked up to meet a different pair of hazel eyes, Bella's.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just not used to parties, I think I got a bit overwhelmed."

"Are you sure it's nothing to do with the curly haired boy that just ran straight out the kitchen, as soon as I arrived?" She questioned me, eyebrows raised and a slight smirk on her face.

"Everythings fine Bells, have you met everyone yet?" I pointed to the gap in the doorway, where people were constantly walking past.

"I think so. Hey, that Matt's not a sight for sore eyes is he?" She asked with a giggle. I was never going to admit it, but I was hoping they'd get along pretty well. I knew by now, Matt was a good guy that wouldn't mess anyone around and Bella, well let's just say she trusts anyone. Sometimes the latter doesn't come in handy though.

I wiggled my eyebrows back and made my way out of the kitchen with her hot on my tail, swirling the clear liquid that was sitting in my cup, watching the way it created little waves that somehow seemed to calm me down.

"Hey, how about we go dance?"  I exclaimed, turning my head round whilst still walking toward the living room. I held my hand out behind my back, for it to be met with a warm palm covered in silver rings.

"You read my mind." She smiled and ran in-front of me in the small hallway, inevitably dragging me along.

The room was crowded with all the cast, dancing and drinking out of their red solo cups. Me and Bella ended up in the middle of the room that had been turned into a dance floor  surrounded by Dara, Matt and Olivia. The tune of 'Pursuit of Happiness' by Kid Cudi, started and everyone in the room let out a squeal of joy. I let myself just disconnect from the world for a moment and felt my body swaying, hand still connected to Bella's.

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